For the disciples, the dream was shattered. The Messiah was dead. No kingdom would come. But wait. Is this the third day? As the sun rises over the scattered pieces of their faith, the impossible has happened. Our Lord lives!
This Easter Worship Intro is a powerful way to start your Easter or Sunrise Services. It celebrates the resurrection of Jesus, and at the same time makes a clear presentation of the gospel. As spiritual seekers attend your services on Easter, this video strives to help them understand the reason for Jesus’ death and resurrection. Use this Easter mini-movie as a worship intro in your Sunday morning Easter Services, as you celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ.
What if I told you death was not the end? When your heart stops, eternity starts. Your very last breath is just the beginning. What if I told you death loses? All of this is true because Jesus is alive!
God is always pursuing and reaching out to us. His message is simple. We are loved. Perfect to use as a service opener, sermon bumper or transitional element in your worship services.
In all things, God is worthy. He is the King of Kings, Lord of Lords and the name above all other names! In our homes, jobs, families, schools and churches…in all things, may He be glorified!
The Christian faith is not based on a bunch of old, dusty ideals. Knowing God is not about religion, it is about a relationship. Perfect to use as a service opener, sermon bumper or transitional element in your worship services.
In a culture that is bankrupt on wisdom, we must do the hard work of digging deep for the truth of God. Perfect to use as a service opener, sermon bumper or transitional element in your worship services.
God loved us so much, He sent His Son to die our death and carry our burden. Sin was defeated by grace, darkness was overcome by light and death was destroyed by life eternal.
Introduce this week's sermon by helping people experience the unique significance of God's Word - the Bible. This video was intentionally created for teaching pastors to use regardless of topic, but as something that can be used at the beginning of ANY sermon.
The story of Jesus is the greatest story ever told. Especially the last few days leading up to his crucifixion. Jesus entered Jerusalem while people praised his arrival. As the days progressed many would betray him, even some of his closest disciples. He would be handed over to officials and sentenced to death by being nailed to a cross. But by God’s grace the story doesn’t end there. After 3 days of being buried in a tomb, Jesus would rise from the dead just as he promised.
When Jesus walked out of the tomb on the third day, the glory of God was on display. Use this short video uniquely in your Easter services to inspire hope and forward movement.
If today was the day Jesus returned, what would He find us doing? The truth is, we should live each day bringing glory to God. The question isn’t; “When will Jesus return” - It is “What will we do until He get’s here”?
Después de Su resurrección, Jesús les dio a los discípulos la Gran Comisión. Les aseguró su poder, les prometió su presencia sin fin, y los instó a aceptar el llamado para ir al mundo y hacer nuevos discípulos. Basado en Mateo 28: 18-20, esta mini película es genial para el domingo después de Pascua.