Mini Movies, Sermon Illustrations & Worship Videos
This powerful video explores one of the most overlooked words in one of the most famous Bible verses: Whoever. The gospel of Jesus is for anybody and everybody--the "whoevers" of John 3:16. God can use the hurting and the broken to do amazing ministry for his kingdom.
Inspire hope and faith in your church congregation with this nature-themed mini-movie. It features oceans, waves and shorelines that symbolize the washing away of our sins through the sacrifice of Jesus Christ.
Graves Into Gardens Spoken Word
Playback Media
It was Friday Afternoon and Jesus is Dead. This wasn't how it was supposed to be... the Hope of mankind overcome by powers of hell... by the shadow of a grave. But, instead of killing the Messiah, the cross has become a canvas for salvation. The hole that was meant to serve as an instrument of shame and death was instead filled with an instrument to bring healing and new life.
This reflective video is a dramatic reading of Isaiah 53. On Good Friday, Jesus took our shame, sorrows, and punishment upon himself when he went to the cross. By his wounds we are healed.
Risen (Easter Worship Intro)
Centerline New Media
Death could not defeat Him. He is our Savior and He is risen. Use this mini movie to kick off your time of worship and declare who Jesus is. Perfect for Easter services.
The Day That Changed The World
This powerful Easter video tells the story of a dark and silent Saturday that becomes a joyful and victorious Sunday. Because the tomb is empty, we have hope, joy, meaning, heaven, and forgiveness. The resurrection of Jesus changed the world, and it can change anybody.
As we celebrate Easter in this new normal, Graves into Gardens gives us a word of remembrance for the victory that was won through Jesus on the cross. We get to celebrate the defeat of Friday’s tomb into new life in the garden, new life that we all get to experience as His children.
These People. This Place.
Floodgate Productions
Welcome people into your gathered communities with this worship-starter video, and offer them a vision for what your time together will look like.
Promises is a mini-movie made to help us remember that our God is faithful to His promises. A comforting reminder of the words the Lord speaks over us as His children.
This mini-movie is a reminder for Christians to turn to the word of God and be transformed by the living truth He provides us. We are called to live a life that will glorify the Lord and this mini-movie reminds us that it’s never too late to make The Bible a priority
This powerful video tells the story and meaning of Palm Sunday. The Lord of heaven and earth entered Jerusalem on a baby donkey. He didn’t come to us with power and magnificence, but meekness & gentleness. Those who sang “Hosanna” would five days later shout “Crucify him.”
"Grandma Invite" is a fun video, looking at how easy it is to invite someone to church even when you don't have lots in common. Encourage your members to invite their friends and family to church by showing this video during your services. Produced by SoundTank. Click on the video image to preview. Video is 2:12 long and can be used for streaming and on social media.
This powerful video explores the question: why do we pray? We pray because the God who knows all and sees all hears all. We pray because it is the blessed link between human weakness and divine omnipotence. We pray not because it is some religious rule, but because the Lord is God.
This mini-movie tells the story of Good Friday for the Easter season. Reminding us why we can call it good and recall upon the hope we have because of Jesus’ suffering on the cross.
Psalm 23 - The Good Shepherd
Floodgate Productions
We all need to be reminded that God is our protector, and that His goodness allows us to break free from our fears. No matter what happens to us, The Good Shepherd is always WITH us.