This powerful video explores one of the most overlooked words in one of the most famous Bible verses: Whoever. The gospel of Jesus is for anybody and everybody--the "whoevers" of John 3:16. God can use the hurting and the broken to do amazing ministry for his kingdom.
Jesus isn’t written into our story, rather our story is written into His. We exalt His mighty name, for His victory has given us life and His mercies stand at the center of our faith. He died for us and He is the one true God. Share the Good News this Easter with this powerful mini movie.
When we’re mired in depression, addiction, sin, and despair, we look forward with hope, knowing that resurrection power is on the way, that Sunday is coming.
It was Friday Afternoon and Jesus is Dead. This wasn't how it was supposed to be... the Hope of mankind overcome by powers of hell... by the shadow of a grave. But, instead of killing the Messiah, the cross has become a canvas for salvation. The hole that was meant to serve as an instrument of shame and death was instead filled with an instrument to bring healing and new life.
You Were Made to Worship is a high energy motion graphics video designed to inspire and engage your congregation to worship. God is in this space and worthy of your praise!
As we celebrate Easter in this new normal, Graves into Gardens gives us a word of remembrance for the victory that was won through Jesus on the cross. We get to celebrate the defeat of Friday’s tomb into new life in the garden, new life that we all get to experience as His children.
Prepare for a time of praise and worship with this high energy worship intro. Now is the time to come together and surrender all to Him as you experience His joy in fellowship.
This powerful video tells the story and meaning of Palm Sunday. The Lord of heaven and earth entered Jerusalem on a baby donkey. He didn’t come to us with power and magnificence, but meekness & gentleness. Those who sang “Hosanna” would five days later shout “Crucify him.”