God has created each of us different. We all have our unique gifts and qualities. But there is one thing all of us have in common. God has created us to worship!
This Mother’s Day Mini-Movie describes the different roles a mother fills in her life: friend, healer, helper, teacher, counselor, protector. Stylish text in bright colors surrounds diverse mothers, grandmothers and children. It also points out that although mothers are appreciated on this holiday, they are a constant blessing, every day, all year long.
Jesus’ resurrection was not the end of his ministry. He continued to meet with and teach His disciples. And, more importantly, he gave the church its mission (the Great Commission). On the Sunday after easter, remind your church of the power that we have been given because of Jesus’ resurrection.
This epic mini-movie is a powerful exclamation of our Risen Savior. He has conquered the grave. He has covered our sins. With Him, we have eternal life, peace, and freedom to celebrate the life He has given us. With moving statements about the character of Jesus and who we are as believers, it will motivate and inspire believers of all ages.
Welcome newcomers to your church this Easter with this fun and upbeat mini-movie. A creative way to make guests feel comfortable and communicate who you are as a church and what you believe.
‘I Remember’ helps you journey through the Easter story and is ideal for a time of communion and reflection. This download includes two versions, one full version that includes the whole story and another Good Friday version that ends the video after Jesus’ death.
A fun and upbeat worship intro that can lead perfectly into your Easter Service. This mini-movie will greet your Easter guests and celebrate who Jesus is and what he has done for us. The UK version with the international spelling for "Saviour" is also included in the download.
Worship is about expressing God’s worth. It’s about putting ourselves aside and dwelling only on Him. It’s about living our lives in a way which reflects how we truly feel about Him. In our worship, in our actions, in our lives, may we all be saying, in one voice, “I love You Lord!”
With powerful music and contemporary graphics, this mini-movie tells the story of Good Friday. We are moved to worship, as we remember that Jesus endured incredible suffering and death on the cross as the punishment for our sin. This video will make a great opening or worship intro for your Good Friday Services or for a message on the passion (or sufferings) of Christ.
On Palm Sunday, the multitude anticipated His arrival. They cut down palm branches and placed them on His path. They cried out, “Hosanna in the highest!” This Palm Sunday, encourage your congregation to sing to him “Hosanna” and cry to him “Blessed is He!” Use this contemporary worship intro video to prepare your church for worship on Palm Sunday.
Jesus is alive intro is an epic tale brought into a short movie trailer style format. This intro or introduction is designed to do exactly that. It can be used to introduce a sermon series, a time of worship, your easter celebration or simply used as a transitional element.
What do you believe about Easter? About God? About Christ? Watch as this stirring video combines spoken word and an artful depiction to articulate what we believe and what that means. Start your Easter service or sermon with this powerful and moving message.
Easter morning began as a day of sadness and weeping, when broken and confused followers mourned the death of Christ. But Jesus transformed it into a day of rejoicing, excitement, and worship by the power of his resurrection. Featuring beautiful and unique hand-drawn artwork, this victorious Easter worship intro sets a tone of energy and passion, culminating in a powerful declaration, "He is Risen - He is Risen Indeed!"