The resurrection of Jesus is cause for great celebration on Easter Sunday. However, it's in the days after Easter that Jesus appeared to His disciples and gave the church it's mission.
This brief, uplifting resurrection starter references the multitude of angels absent from the crucifixion and the two sent to announce that Jesus was absent from his tomb.
The Story of God’s love, embodied and seen in the Person of Jesus, is indeed the greatest Story ever told. But what is that Story, and what are we being invited into?
Crayon drawings animate real-life responses from children as they talk about Easter. Their unfiltered and heartfelt responses bring humor and depth to the subject. Only a child could mix the silly and the sacred to so powerfully!
After inviting friends to church for Easter, it's natural to relax in the success of our seasonal outreach. Let this After Easter invite video help encourage your congregation to not let the conversation - and invitation - end.
Welcome your congregation to church with this opening prayer of blessing. This worship intro asks God to move the spirits of all who are present, whether they are lost or believers, into their next steps in their walk with Jesus.
As adults, it’s very easy to take ourselves too seriously. “Joy Ride” connects us with the joy of our youth. We are reminded that God gives us the chance for joy everyday, we just have to engage it.
Este sencillo iniciador de adoración se hace eco de la llamada del Salmo 95 para alabar en voz alta y gozosa a la Roca de nuestra salvación, el Rey sobre todos los dioses, mientras nos preparamos para postrarnos en adoración ante nuestro Hacedor. Salmos 95 es la versión en español de Psalm 95.