When the church's Easter Squad sets out to plan the most epic Easter service to draw in more people, the custodian sets them straight, reminding them that the resurrection of Jesus was the most epic thing that has ever happened. Download includes long version for your church service and a 1-minute version for social media usage.
There’s a little known story behind the timeless hymn we sing. A hymn that was written out of faith in God. Trusting in Jesus and putting behind the former things of our past and looking to the cross for our future.
As the man who condemned Jesus to death on a cross, Pilate reflects on his experience. Jesus challenged his power, but refused to answer to the charges against Him. Pilate saw Jesus die, and later saw an empty tomb. While he won’t call himself a believer, he knows that he is the one responsible for Jesus’ crucifixion.
Though he was blind, Bartimaeus could see that Jesus was more than just a great teacher. He believed and trusted that Jesus could heal his blindness when he shouted out to Jesus from the side of the road. As he recounts his story with his vision restored, Bartimaeus tells how he joined the crowds on Palm Sunday, shouting that Jesus is Hosanna in the highest.
This mini-movie sets up a sermon on Palm Sunday as congregations reflect on Jesus as King.
He was a servant to the high priest and found himself on the wrong end of a sword. Watch as Malchus describes the events surrounding the Garden of Gethsemane.
Do you ever feel like someone has just smacked you in the face with a brick while attempting to share the Gospel? Sometimes we try too hard as Christians to make a connection with people who may be lost, and we miss the mark. In this funny video, The Skit Guys show us how “not to.” Please don’t try this at home.
George Bennard's father was a coal miner and died was George was just 16. The young man put aside theological school to care for his mother and sisters. Eventually George was able to complete his ministry training.
This year, one man takes every precaution for the Easter service and is heralded as the "Safety Hero," at least in his own mind. This funny Easter service reminder video includes three different endings: online only service invite, in-person and online service invite, and a customizable ending screen.
When their brother, Lazarus, was sick, Mary and Martha called for the one person they knew could heal him. But when Jesus didn’t arrive until after Lazarus died, they wavered in their belief. Once Jesus raised Lazarus from the dead, the sisters realized that Jesus is the Christ, and whoever believes in Him will live.