Mini Movies, Sermon Illustrations & Worship Videos
We know it's important to give thanks to God for everything, but it can be hard to know where to begin. Sometimes it helps to start small, right where you are.
Are You Thankful?
Hyper Pixels Media
This video reminds us just how blessed we are and just how thankful we should be.
God Speaks
Floodgate Productions
We often wonder if God is speaking to us. But perhaps a more appropriate question would be, "Are we listening?" Journey with Doug through his day as God speaks.
Our culture remembers the death of Christ at Easter, but too often, we only remember Him during the holidays. Christ wants to be involved in our daily decisions. His life gives us life.
A Veteran's Voice
Floodgate Productions
It's difficult for many people to feel thankful to Veterans, simply because they've never stood in their shoes. Listen to the honest voice of a Veteran, and allow your people to feel gratitude for all Veterans.
This short skit portrays the devil asking for proof of God's love. The core of our faith is in God's love. When we're asked to defend our belief in that love, in the face of constant turmoil, do we have an answer that will quiet the voice of doubt and give us a firm foundation to stand on?
Too often we live isolated lives instead of actively loving others and the world around us. This short skit challenges us to step up, stop making excuses, and become people of action.
Beyond Mercy
Unblind Productions
Forgiveness is a powerful expression of Christ's example. He did this with Mary Magdalen. This short was produced to show how "what the sin was or is," does not matter. It is the forgiveness of those we hurt that makes the biggest impression.
Christmas is a wonderful time of the year to celebrate Jesus' birth, but too often we only remember Him during the holidays. Jesus wants to be remembered, yes, but He also wants to be involved with our daily lives. When we develop a relationship with Him, we truly begin to understand what it means to celebrate His birth.
A Father's Day mini movie from Shift Worship! Thanking Dad for the things he's taught me.
The Point
Floodgate Productions
Here's a new concept - a video designed to END your worship services. Send your people into their worlds this week, challenged to be the aroma of Christ to everyone they brush up against.
Father's Day: A Broader Perspective
Floodgate Productions
There are many kinds of fathers in our churches, and all need to be honored and blessed this Father's Day. Reach out to a larger hearing audience on this important day.
I'm Watching You Dad
Floodgate Productions
This Father's Day, take a moment to contemplate the roles that Dads play in their children's lives. Our kids are watching to see if what we say matches our actions. Challenge and uplift fathers, acknowledging their importance in shaping the lives of future generations.
Consider Job and others, who despite trials and persecution, continued to offer worship to God. This clip works well as a service opener, challenging us to worship regardless of our circumstances, or a short sermon illustrator.
Our language cannot fully describe God, but this video draws us to worship Him as it focuses us on the many attributes of our awesome Lord!