Mini Movies, Sermon Illustrations & Worship Videos
Remembering Communion
Freebridge Media
His body was broken for you. His blood, poured for you. His life was given for you. Today we remember the sacrifice of our Savior. This is Communion.
God’s plan for transforming the world runs directly through the family unit. Unfortunately, our culture has largely neglected this God-given gift. If family truly matters, then we will make time for one another.
Changed (Our Work After Easter)
Freebridge Media
We were not created to live stagnant lives. To be stuck, bound or broken. We were created with a purpose, a calling, a mandate and a mission. Even in these uncertain times, that calling remains the same. To go into the world, make disciples and share the love of Jesus. This is the work of Easter. The power of the resurrection in action.
Elijah the Tishbite stepped out of nowhere to become a prophet of God. Elijah faced off with over four hundred prophets of the false god Baal and won. He was a man who God loved so much that He prepared a special chariot and horses of fire to transport him from earth to heaven. He was Elijah the man in a whirlwind, the humble hero.
As we celebrate Easter in this new normal, Graves into Gardens gives us a word of remembrance for the victory that was won through Jesus on the cross. We get to celebrate the defeat of Friday’s tomb into new life in the garden, new life that we all get to experience as His children.
Death, Defeated
Pixel Preacher
An Easter mini-movie that proclaims that Jesus defeated death on the cross. He came to this earth in order to fulfill the old covenant. One that bridges the gap between God and sinners. Offering salvation for all that believe and follow Jesus. He was buried in a tomb and risen from the grave.
A Time For Everything is a mini-movie from the book of Ecclesiastes. We can be comforted knowing that no matter what we are facing, there is a right season for everything and our powerful God is in full control from beginning to end.
Faith Like A Child
Church Fuel
What if we had faith like a child? What if we were filled with joy when in communion with our Creator? What if we looked to Him to fulfill all our needs? We need to receive the Kingdom of God like a child, for the Kingdom of God belongs to such as these (Luke 18:16).
This is the day the Lord made. Let us rejoice and be glad in it. This video serves as a perfect transition video for you Sunday morning experience or as message intro on gratitude. Psalm 118:24 is the simplest reminder that everyday is a precious gift from God, and we should rejoice for another day on Earth from Him.
We Cry Hallelujah
Playback Media
Share this powerful reminder that we can still rejoice in the middle of life's storms and struggles. In times of uncertainty, it can be easy to live in fear and forget to look to God, but when the worry takes over, that’s the time we should turn and raise our voices, praising God for all His faithfulness.
These People. This Place.
Floodgate Productions
Welcome people into your gathered communities with this worship-starter video, and offer them a vision for what your time together will look like.
Prayer For Our Neighbors
Shift Worship
This powerful mini-movie with a prayer of evangelism for our neighbors and the lost. Featuring a moving soundtrack and beautiful shots major cites.
This powerful Easter video is based on Revelations 5:5 “I wept and wept and wept that no one was found able to open the scroll, able to read it. One of the Elders said, “Don’t weep.
Jesus Changes Everything
Skit Guys Studios
When the stone was rolled away, everything changed. Death is conquered, hope crushes fear, belief moves mountains, relationship consumes religion, and God’s love wins. This celebratory video is perfect for Easter Sunday, when we rejoice because our Savior is risen, and Jesus changes everything.
The Old Rugged Cross Worship Intro
Playback Media
High on a hill, the old rugged cross stands firm as our hope of resurrection; proving that nothing can stop God from proving his love for you. What better way to begin your Good Friday or Easter worship service than with this reverent, yet powerful mini movie? And… it is the perfect transition into our “Old Rugged Cross” worship track!