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Description: Every.
Every… every day.
He calls me to be His disciple.
He has called me to follow Him -- a disciplined follower of Jesus Christ.
To live by His Word. To live out His Word.
To be so grounded in His Word that I am not shaken when troubles arise or challenges come.
I am instructed to pass on His Word, and my faith – to the next generation – to those who yet need to hear.
He challenges me to pray continuously – without ceasing.
To develop an intimate relationship with Him, one that is marked by continual prayer.
I must be generous with all that I have,
And in everything I do. Understanding this life is not about me, but about Him.
So many yet need to know His love, His power, His forgiveness -- His saving grace.
I must be about sharing life and sharing faith at every given opportunity.
I must seek to not only be a disciple, but to make disciples, in the power of the Holy Spirit.
I desire to see lives transformed. People changed. Your church alive and well.
Lord, strengthen me. Empower me to do your work, to expand your Kingdom.
To live a life of faith, unwavering faith.
Every. Every. Every. Every day -- in every way.
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Everyday Faith
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