Taking out the trash can give us the space we need to remember how much God has blessed us. Watch and remember to give thanks to God for the messy blessings in your life.
“We’re called to pray without ceasing…and when Tommy takes that seriously, his friend begins to think he’s hallucinating. 1 Thessalonians 5:17 has never been this funny.”
Christmas gifts come in all kinds of sizes, shapes and styles. This Christmas, introduce your church family to five people who discover that the gifts of Christmas are really...
Can our prayers be used as an attempt to manipulate Christ? We express gratitude in order to receive blessings. We lavish kind, endearing words on Him in an attempt to “butter him up”.
In the sequel to one of the Skit Guys' most popular mini movies, two dads are left in charge of their kids for a weekend. Faced with teen angst and other new challenges, they quickly see a need to use Mom Goggles in order to survive. Once again, these dads are reminded why moms are so amazing.
Do you ever feel like someone has just smacked you in the face with a brick while attempting to share the Gospel? Sometimes we try too hard as Christians to make a connection with people who may be lost, and we miss the mark. In this funny video, The Skit Guys show us how “not to.” Please don’t try this at home.
Inviting friends or neighbors to Church is great, but you have to do it the right way. Watch as Floyd Gobbler demonstrates that he will Say Anything to extend an invitation.
The first in the Easter bundle, Who Do You Say I Am?, this mini-movie gets people thinking about this important question Jesus asks of us all, considering the fact that Jesus is more than just a prophet, a good man, or a great teacher, but that he is indeed the Son of God.