Watch as Mary Salome recounts her Easter Sunday. An empty tomb, guards silenced, and angels proclaiming. Her sandals just couldn’t carry her fast enough.
He was a servant to the high priest and found himself on the wrong end of a sword. Watch as Malchus describes the events surrounding the Garden of Gethsemane.
As Christians we tend to dwell on Christ's death rather than his resurrection. The short film takes the viewer from Good friday to the celebration of Easter morning!
Two dads check in on their newborns in the hospital nursery. No one wants to miss out or mess up their kids lives, they soon realize that life is God’s plan and our responsibility. No matter where we came from, God can transform our lives and the lives of those around us.
Valentine’s Day is about chocolate, flowers, and letting that special someone know just how much you care. But as the Skitzy Chicks find out, love adds up to so much more!
Grab your chips and dip and get ready for some tips to enjoy the big game. This is just long enough to cover your church’s or youth group’s needs for halftime. Get a clean, funny halftime show that the whole family will enjoy!
Doreen is here to remind you that Valentine’s Day is just around the corner. Make sure that the flowers are ordered and reservations are made…Be someone’s old man baby this year…not a bozo. Great reminder for that special day in February!
Carrie and Melinda reflect on the bittersweet feelings of sending your kids back to school. But sometimes, those special times with our families over the summer months aren’t as perfect as we plan them to be.