21st century people grapple with the timeless laws of God's universe known as the Ten Commandments. This is the ninth commandment "You shall not give false testimony against your neighbor."
21st century people grapple with the timeless laws of God's universe known as the Ten Commandments. This is the seventh commandment "You shall not commit adultery."
21st century people grapple with the timeless laws of God's universe known as the Ten Commandments. This is the sixth commandment "You shall not murder."
21st century people grapple with the timeless laws of God's universe known as the Ten Commandments. This is the fifth commandment "Honor your father and mother so that you may live long."
21st century people grapple with the timeless laws of God's universe known as the Ten Commandments. This is the fourth commandment "Remember the Sabbath Day by keeping it holy."
21st century people grapple with the timeless laws of God's universe known as the Ten Commandments. This is the eighth commandment "You shall not steal."
No one but God knows what this year will hold for any of us. It could be the best year of our lives, or it could be a year filled with trials and hardships.
What if this New Years, there was less of an emphasis on human effort (resolutions), and more of an emphasis on the ongoing effort of the Master Artist, as He paints something beautiful onto the canvas of our lives?
A Homeless Thanksgiving is a poignant street interview with a homeless man named Leroy. Underscored with music and subtitles, Leroy's perspective on Thanksgiving offers a great introduction for a Thanksgiving service. A meaningful worship transition or setup to a Thanksgiving message.
We know it's important to give thanks to God for everything, but it can be hard to know where to begin. Sometimes it helps to start small, right where you are.
We often wonder if God is speaking to us. But perhaps a more appropriate question would be, "Are we listening?" Journey with Doug through his day as God speaks.
Our culture remembers the death of Christ at Easter, but too often, we only remember Him during the holidays. Christ wants to be involved in our daily decisions. His life gives us life.
It's difficult for many people to feel thankful to Veterans, simply because they've never stood in their shoes. Listen to the honest voice of a Veteran, and allow your people to feel gratitude for all Veterans.
This short skit portrays the devil asking for proof of God's love. The core of our faith is in God's love. When we're asked to defend our belief in that love, in the face of constant turmoil, do we have an answer that will quiet the voice of doubt and give us a firm foundation to stand on?