Mini Movies, Sermon Illustrations & Worship Videos
How does God's view of money differ from the world's view? This illustration contrasts famous quotes from the world's perspective with the timeless truths of Scripture. It's a great set up for a message about tithing, giving and money from God's perspective.
This video is a terrificly funny introduction to any sermon about money, tithing or giving. Frank is ready to give. He just wants to know how much he owes. Watch as the Pastor tries (in vain) to explain that tithing isn't just a matter of how much, it's a matter of the heart, and the amount is between you and God.
Be Still (Student Version)
Visual Reality
STUDENT VERSION: Life moves pretty fast. Sometimes God is just trying to get a word in edgewise. Use this simple, yet powerful clip to help your congregation "be still."
The light can blind or show the way. As Christ is the light, so are we.
The Power Of Words
Church Fuel
Visual reminder of the Power of Words using the imagery of dominos falling. Updated for 2020
Steelehouse Bible Shorts: Samson
Steelehouse Media Group
A humorous animated illustration of Samson & Delilah.
Steelehouse Bible Shorts: Balaam's Donkey
Steelehouse Media Group
A humorous animated illustration of Balaam's Donkey.
God calls everyone to follow him, but what if the road is long? What if the destination is unknown? Would you follow?
Lighthearted, tongue-in-cheek reminder that the Great Commission is not a command for a select few - everybody has a role to play in missions.
Thanksgiving Kids
Shift Worship
A fun mini-movie with kids telling us what they're thankful for this Thanksgiving.
Times are difficult. There are a lot of good people in really difficult situations. As a nation we are calling for a change. Some are of the opinion that a certain government, political party, or president can offer the change we need. The reality is, there is only one that offers this world true Change.
Two neighbors one-up each other until they both arrive at the same place: bankrupt.
Small Group Of One
An interview with a man who has found the perfect small group: himself. A great video to open a discussion on the need for community. Based on an idea from Vintage21 Church.
This Is Not This
Floodgate Productions
During financially challenging times, it's so easy for us to forget who we're putting our trust in. Are we trusting in Wall Street, or in the God who created it all?
Worship: What Is It?
Floodgate Productions
Help your people explore the idea that worship can extend into every aspect of our lives. What we say, what we do, how we treat others... everything we do can be worship.