Mini Movies, Sermon Illustrations & Worship Videos
Use Psalm Transition from Scriptura, a reading from Psalms.
An introductory video that compares the prophecies of the Old Testament, with the fulfillment in the New Testament.
We are called to be imitators of God, like dearly loved children. Watch as a young son imitates the move and develops similar attributes of his father.
There are things that we have to accomplish in order to receive praise from our fellow man. But what does God need to do to receive our worship? A powerful service opener!
Remember Their Sacrifice
Jitterbug Media
From World War II to present day, this unique and emotionally powerful video is a tribute to all who have served our military. Perfect for Veteran's Day.
The Bible Contains...
Igniter Media
The Bible is an essential tool in the Christian faith. It is here that we read about what God has done, is doing, and will do. It is here that we find the greatest love story, the greatest sacrifice, and the greatest call to action.
Have you ever served another person without getting the recognition you deserved? Have you ever sacrificed your own wishes to care for another, and not been thanked profusely enough?
Steelehouse Media Group
The universal love and gratitude for mothers depicted by observing Squarebirdius Animatius in its natural habitat.
Sometimes life doesn't go the way we planned. But in the midst of the storm, God is working.
Is God really in control? Why do BAD things happen to GOOD people?
We have a God who desires to be the "Repairer of Broken Walls," and like Isaiah, we must respond to this desire.
A Love Issue
Floodgate Productions
Christians can be very judgmental, especially to people who disagree with their beliefs. Experience the internal monologue of a Christian who is finally admitting how judgmental he's become.
Anytime 82
Floodgate Productions
82% of unchurched people will accept an invitation to your church by someone they already know. Motivate and encourage your people to invite their friends, family, and coworkers.