Mini Movies, Sermon Illustrations & Worship Videos
Does God Like Me?
Now i See Media
This video delves into the personal side of God's affection, showing how His love goes beyond obligation to genuine delight and care for who you truly are.
This upbeat video recognizes and thanks all those who work and labor in so many different sectors... Education, business, healthcare, ministry and many, many more... You are all important. Thank you!
Some People
Hyper Pixels Media
In a cynical world, it's love that compels us to believe.
It's That Time - Back To School
James Grocho
A mix of video and motion graphics, this mini movie is designed to inspire and encourage students as they embark on a new school year.
In All Times Pray
James Grocho
Embrace the power of prayer in every circumstance.
Fan The Flame
Creative Media Solutions
This video encourages you to fan the flame of your divine gifts and calling. Step boldly into a journey of continuous growth, reflecting God’s love and spreading His light to transform lives.
Recordemos Nuestro Propósito
Church Fuel
Tenemos un propósito. Fuimos creados para vivir para Cristo y reflejar Su amor en todo lo que hacemos.
Remember Our Purpose
Church Fuel
We have a purpose. We were created to live for Christ, and to reflect His love in all we do.
By Our Love
Hyper Pixels Media
At a time when division and difference seem to define us, this
video serves as a reminder that we’re called to display and share
love in our communities and relationships. Use this as a worship
intro or sermon bumper to encourage your church to be the hands
and feet of Jesus in our world. Based on John 13:35 and featuring
“They’ll Know We Are Christians By Our Love.”
This helpful video answers the question: why would God ask us to practice a Sabbath rhythm, regularly putting our work aside?
Peace Be With You
James Grocho
Peace Be With You is a serene and comforting video that focuses on the divine peace that comes from God.
Praise The Lord
Now i See Media
This video beautifully illustrates the Creator's magnificence, perfect for worship and reflection.
God's Love - Father's Day
James Grocho
Celebrate Father's Day with this heartwarming video that honors fathers in all their forms.
This meaningful video sends students back to school with a sweet and encouraging blessing for the year ahead, asking God to give them strength, wisdom, and peace throughout the new school year while also requesting that He lead our children with His word, spirit, and gospel. God, we entrust these students to you as you prepare them for their calling and their future... Amen.
La unidad de Cristo trasciende fronteras. Entre diversas culturas, los cristianos tienen una fe. Estamos unidos por el amor. La adoración resuena por toda la tierra. En todos los continentes, somos un solo cuerpo. Damos testimonio juntos y participamos juntos en la misión de Dios. En Cristo, somos una sola iglesia.