Today, we come together to give glory to God, to lift high the King of Kings and worship Jesus with all our heart. Kick off your next service with this powerful worship intro.
This upbeat video is a sweet and simple thank you to pastors for all that they do and the many hats they wear... leader, teacher, shepherd, friend, servant, and many more. Thank you, Pastor!
We are a broken people, made whole only by the hand of God. In the end, our life is about one thing, Jesus. And although we don’t pursue Him perfectly, we still pursue Him. One day.. at a time.
Este video del Credo de los Apóstoles es excelente para que los servicios religiosos recuerden la historia de la iglesia y estemos unificados en nuestra confesión común de nuestra fe.
La Biblia es la Palabra de Dios y es poderosa. Contiene sabiduría eterna y verdades eternas. Nutre las almas y da forma a los destinos. Nos guía en nuestro viaje y da forma a nuestros corazones. Contiene el fundamento de nuestra esperanza y nos guía en nuestro propósito. La Biblia es poderosa.
The Bible is the Word of God, and it is powerful. It contains timeless wisdom and eternal truths. It nourishes souls and shapes destinies. It leads us on our journey and shapes our hearts. It contains the foundation of our hope and guides us in our purpose. The Bible is powerful.