Mini Movies, Sermon Illustrations & Worship Videos
In whom have you placed your hope? This brief worship starter focuses on resting in God's grace because of Christ's death for our sin and our new life in Him. Use this simple, yet powerful, mini movie to set the perfect tone for your service or message.
Un joven camina por una Iglesia y se da cuenta que se encuentra vacía y que la Iglesia es solo un edificio. Se da cuenta de que los vitrales no pueden orar por los enfermos y que las paredes de la Iglesia no pueden predicar el Evangelio. Se da cuenta que depende de la gente de la Iglesia ser la Iglesia.
A worship opener based on Psalm 145. For matching motions see Fractured Light.
Fractured Light Opener
Dan Stevers
A worship opener based on Psalm 145. For matching motions see Fractured Light.
Response Time
Floodgate Productions
A lifestyle of worship calls believers to respond to all that God is, and all that He's
done. Help prepare your congregation to respond to the one true God.
Creator Messiah Jesus
Freebridge Media
We worship a mighty Savior. The King of Kings and Lord of Lords. He is our Redeemer and De-liverer. Faithful, righteous and everlasting. He is our Creator, our Messiah…He is Jesus.
Following Jesus
Freebridge Media
What does the Bible say about following Jesus? It tells us to follow Him means to serve him. It tells us to share Him with those around us. It tells us we never walk in darkness and never walk alone. It tells us to take up our cross and walk the path He leads us on. Do you follow?
Today I Worship
Freebridge Media
Today we surrender our all to the King of Kings. Today we enter His courts with thanksgiving and praise. Today we proclaim the mighty name of Jesus. Today…we worship!
One of the greatest things about God’s promises of new mercies and new songs is how we can fulfill those promises for others! An updated version of one of our best-selling videos, this fun and energetic worship opener is a great choice for the Back-to-School season.
Lead your congregation into worship by declaring who Jesus is. This cinimatic mini-movie declares some of the many names and attributes of the one whom we worship. Excellent for special services like Christmas, but also works for any weekend service or event.
Our lives can sometimes feel like they are a pile of ashes. We can be broken, shattered and destroyed. However, the good news of Jesus life, death and resurrection is we can experience new life and have our lives rise from the ashes. Perfect to use as a service opener, sermon bumper or transitional element in your worship services.
This Is Love (Remastered)
Freebridge Media
One of our most popular Valentine’s Day videos, with updated visuals and a remastered soundtrack. Love is a life changer. It can mend the broken hearted, comfort the needy, reach the discarded and change eternity. Love is God defined…the manifestation of His character. Love is what God has called us to be. This is love.
Jesus You Are Worthy
Freebridge Media
He is our Savior, our Precious Redeemer and Mighty Deliverer. He is High and Exalted and worthy of praise. Today, we give Him glory. Today we lift our voices and worship Jesus…for He alone is worthy.
The Life Of Joseph - Temptation
Joseph faced a difficult decision. Even when he chose to do the right thing, he was still punished. Even in the darkest of times, God was with Joseph, putting him exactly where he needed to be for the next part of his story
The Life Of Joseph - Success
Joseph earned the favor of Pharaoh and was placed in a position of authority. The faith that carried him through the darkness was the same faith that kept him humble in success. It’s not only in failure or struggle that a person’s character is tested. It’s also tested by the way we handle success.