Celebrate the sacrifice Jesus made for us all with this communion themed mini movie that portrays the symbolism of the communion bread and cup and their representation of Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross.
The way of Jesus is counter cultural. It is time for the Church to live it out within their community. Perfect to use as a service opener, sermon bumper or transitional element in your worship services to inspire your congregation to be bold with their faith.
Every household has certain house rules that help it function in a healthy way. The Church is the house of God and it has some house rules too. Perfect to use as a service opener, sermon bumper or transitional element in your worship services.
Praise the Father of mercies, the God of compassion. Who brings healing from our suffering, and salvation in our troubles. Based on 2 Corinthians 1:3-10.
You make the leaves to fall and the sun to rise. Like the trees we will shed the old, and like the sun we will be raised anew. We are made righteous and holy by Your hand. We are made new. A colorful and upbeat worship intro based on Ephesians 4:22-24.
This special back-to-school video offers the prayers of children and teenagers who are ready to take on the new challenges of going back to school in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic.
America is hurting from virus, death, hardship, and loss. Our nation is fighting for justice and equality. Our nation is breaking from division and anger. But, God is still God and He can bring healing to our land. He can bring unity and reconciliation to America.
Honor the Dads in your church with this fun and creative Father's Day mini-movie. To help us remember all the fun and crazy moments we've had with our fathers, this video's design combines cut-out paper craft and stop-motion animation. Let Dads know that they're appreciated and loved.
Any Sunday could be your Sunday. Come expectant that this worship experience could transforms lives. This mini-movie is perfect to inspire your congregation during your worship experience.
Today we enter His gates with Thanksgiving and His courts with praise. For The Lord is good and his mercy endures forever. He alone is worthy of our gratitude…This Thanksgiving.