This invite video includes two versions, one for the Christmas Season and one for Christmas Eve. Great video to remind your congregation to invite their friends, family and neighbors to church this Christmas
When Jesus came and put on the flesh of man, He changed everything. He didn't come to change our past or our circumstances. He came to change us. This Christmas celebrate with us the work Jesus has done and is continuing to do! Jesus changes everything!
Born with no fanfare, in the humblest of settings; and yet born to change the world forever. Celebrate the birth of Jesus with this service starter for your Christmas or Christmas Eve gatherings. Using scripture from Luke 1:31 and Luke 2:11, this mini-movie works great as a worship intro or sermon illustration for your December services.
Three children in dire circumstances prepare for an honored guest. Set to the text of Isaiah 9, this mini movie encourages us to wonder anew at the strange and beautiful arrival of our Savior. A good fit for any Christmas service, especially Christmas Eve.
It’s Christmas time! Time for joy, peace, and…presents! During this season, we give and receive presents. But Christmas is about more than presents. It’s about receiving God’s greatest present: His Presence!
Isaiah explains about the political landscape into which Jesus was born. Herod’s massacre of the innocents is one of the subjects of this narration. “Keep your head down little one - run for your life!" Location: Rockefeller Plaza, New York.
“When the couple arrived, Bethlehem was crowded…” Isaiah talks about the humble surroundings where the birth of the King of kings was to take place. Isaiah explains that this King approached life very differently. Location: Times Square, New York.
Caesar Augustus decides to carry out a worldwide census and Isaiah sets the scene for Mary and Joseph’s journey to Bethlehem. Isaiah explains in detail the reasons for the journey. Location: Supreme Court Building, New York.
“But you O Bethlehem, little Bethlehem - here comes your ruler…” Isaiah explains the scandal unfolding in Nazareth which will result in the amazing event in Bethlehem. Location: Washington Arch, New York.
“Wake Up, Wake Up!" shouts Isaiah. “Who has believed my message?” Isaiah begins to explain that the long-awaited Messiah would not be like any other king. Zechariah must name his son, John. John was to go ahead and prepare a way. Location: Subway Station, New York.
Isaiah promises Immanuel - he says, “Even if i’d been granted a license to deliver an incredible message, I would never have thought this up…Mary had been chosen to bear the son of the most high God." Location: Bethesda Fountain, Central Park, New York.
Isaiah introduces himself and explains the purpose of a prophet. He begins to tell the nativity story starting with Zechariah and Gabriel. “For unto us a child is born…" Location: Battery Park, New York.
Isaiah outlines mankind's need for The Messiah using Isaiah Chapter 9: "The people walking in darkness have seen a great light" Location: Liberty Island, New York with the site of the World Trade Centre disaster in the background.
“Here’s a rescue story…” Isaiah entreats his audience not to misconceive the child in this modern world. “His are the feet that bring good news - pierced feet - swift and beautiful and full of grace…” The very purpose behind the incarnation is revealed to be us! He came because He loved us. Location: Brooklyn Bridge, New York.
The enigmatic travelers are the subject here. There were no kings at the stable; these mysterious characters turned up much later. Isaiah describes the importance of the gifts brought by the kings for the infant Jesus. The time comes for the Holy family to return from Egypt. Location: South East Corner, Central Park, New York.