Mini Movies, Sermon Illustrations & Worship Videos
The world of social media is full of negativity and complaints. To participate in such a toxic way is to live contrary to the way of Jesus. Scripture is clear that we are to be marked by our gratitude as people who have experienced the grace of God. What would happen if we were to flood our lives with thankfulness?
Precious In His Sight
Dive Media
Every single person on this planet is made in the image of God. That makes them precious.
My soul magnifies the Lord. My spirit rejoices in God my savior. Use this upbeat and colorful mini-movie as an introduction to worship. Based on Luke 1:46-55.
In whom have you placed your hope? This brief worship starter focuses on resting in God's grace because of Christ's death for our sin and our new life in Him. Use this simple, yet powerful, mini movie to set the perfect tone for your service or message.
Un joven camina por una Iglesia y se da cuenta que se encuentra vacía y que la Iglesia es solo un edificio. Se da cuenta de que los vitrales no pueden orar por los enfermos y que las paredes de la Iglesia no pueden predicar el Evangelio. Se da cuenta que depende de la gente de la Iglesia ser la Iglesia.
Thanksgiving Opener
Centerline New Media
We are thankful for our blessings, so let us be a blessing to others. This upbeat and inspiring Thanksgiving service starter features Fall inspired imagery and colors, and closes with Psalm 7:17.
A Fun Welcome To Church
Remedy Media
Welcome new guests and regular members to your church with this fun and upbeat mini-movie. This is a creative way to kick start your service and let everyone know that there is a place for them to belong at your church.
The Shepherd King
Cornerstone Church of Ames
"Do not be afraid. I bring you good news that will cause great joy for all the people.” What is this good news of great joy? The Messiah has come - as a shepherd, as a king. And He has come to save.
Our culture tries to deny the existence of evil. But when you look at our world, there is no denying that evil is real.
“I Will Sing” is a simple but powerful and reflective intro to your worship set straight from
scripture: Psalm 59:16-17 (NIV) But I will sing of your strength, in the morning I will sing of your
love, for you are my fortress, my refuge in times of trouble. You are my strength, I sing praise to
you; you, God, are my fortress, my God on whom I can rely.
Psalms 121:1-2 | I lift up my eyes to the mountains—where does my help come from? My help
comes from the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth. This is a simple but powerful intro to a
message on hope and the greatness of His creation.
Based on Proverbs 22:6, this short illustration encourages us to teach our children to dream
big with love and to never stop. “Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he
will not depart from it. – Proverbs 22:6”
Names Of Jesus (Christmas)
Dan Stevers
A service opener proclaiming some of the many names of Jesus. To create a unified service experience see "Winter Wonderland" for matching motion backgrounds. Also available in Spanish.
Behold The Lamb Christmas Intro
Motion Worship
This epic and powerful Christmas short film features traditional artwork blended with modern graphics. Scripture verses from John, Galatians and 1 John describe the wonder of Jesusí coming and the eternal life he offers. Excellent for Christmas Eve as well, this film is perfect for opening any service or event during the holiday season.
Celebrate the coming of Jesus with this wonderfully animated intro movie.