This powerful Easter mini-movie will create a worshipful atmosphere for the beginning of your Easter Worship Service or leading into an Easter Sermon. With a cinematic music score and contemporary illustrations, this Easter video tells the story of Jesus’ ministry, his sufferings on Good Friday, and his powerful resurrection on Easter Sunday.
Use this short movie as a creative tool to help communicate the truth of Scripture. A beautiful worship intro for Easter. This comes with two versions, one with and one without lyrics.
As Holy Week begins, we cry out in worship to Jesus, our Savior, our King, Our Messiah. He has triumphantly entered Jerusalem on His way to changing our eternities…forever. Hosanna in the highest!
So much has changed since last Easter. The world has been shaken. Life has been disrupted and what we once called normal seems like it may never return. It’s easy to be discouraged when the ground beneath us feels like shifting sand. Now, more than ever, we need to stand on the truth of Easter.
When we come to Jesus in worship we can lay down all of our burdens and find rest in Him. This Mini-Movie will meet your congregation where they are in this difficult season.
Jesus was deserving of a crown. Rather than a crown of thorns, it should have been a crown of gold. He is the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. Use this mini-movie to inspire your congregation during Easter to see Jesus as King.
It’s inevitable. Darkness creeps in and reminds us that the enemy is near and it can make us feel like there is no way out. When that fire comes, and it will, we must remember what Power lives in us. God is faithful and he is with us, regardless of what might shake us now or what trials and tribulations await in our future. Use this powerful message to uplift, inspire and encourage your congregation.
We behold Your power and glory and praise You with one voice. Use this upbeat and colorful service starter as an introduction to worship. Based on Psalm 63.
God, as we come to worship you, prepare our hearts. We open our hearts to your work in us. Move in us now! Use this powerful worship opener to welcome people to church and lead them into worship.