Mini Movies, Sermon Illustrations & Worship Videos
Nada nos puede separar del amor de Dios, ni la muerte ni la vida, ni los ángeles ni los demonios, ni el presente ni el futuro, ni lo alto ni lo profundo, ni nada más en toda la creación.
Este video nos recuerda amar a nuestro prójimo como a nosotros mismos, y también quién es nuestro prójimo.
Amen A Sus Enemigos
Church Fuel
Esta mini película es un recordatorio de amar a nuestros enemigos y orar por aquellos que nos persiguen.
Seamos Agradecidos
Worship Media Girl
This video reminds us to give thanks, and it’s based on Colossians 3:15,17
Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts and be thankful. Whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus giving thanks to God the Father through Christ. Let’s be thankful.
Todos hemos sido agraviados, y todos hemos sido heridos. Sin embargo, Jesús nos llama a perdonar. Dios nos ha mostrado abundante misericordia. Nos merecíamos la muerte, pero Él nos dio la vida. Tenemos que dar misericordia a los demás también. No pagues mal por mal. Reconciliaos unos con otros, y buscad la restauración. Abundar en amor. Perdona, como fuiste perdonado.
Gustad y ved que bueno es Jehová. Regocíjate en Sus promesas. Deléitate en Su misericordia. Regocíjate en sus maravillas. Su gracia abunda y su amor es interminable. Él nunca te dejará ni te abandonará. Él tiene planes para que prosperes. Gustad y ved que bueno es Jehová.
Bienvenido Otoño
Worship Media Girl
A prayer of gratitude for the start of Autumn/Fall. God of all days, it was you who set all the boundaries of the earth; you made both summer and winter, spring and fall. Every time the seasons change, we are reminded of your strength wisdom, and love for us.
Give Thanks To God
Church Fuel
Let’s give thanks to God and remember all the ways He has been faithful. Let’s remember all the good things He has given us, and the ways He has provided for us in difficult times. Let’s give Him thanks for the gift of His Son, and the promise of eternal life. He gives us freedom, grace, and forgiveness.
Nuestro Dios es glorioso. Toda la tierra está llena de Su gloria. Su majestad es incomparable. Él está por encima de todas las cosas. En Su Nombre, toda rodilla se doblará. Él es poderoso, soberano, radiante y glorioso.
El Mundo Y La Biblia
Church Fuel
El mundo y la Biblia nos enseñan dos mensajes diferentes. ¿Cuál seguirás?
Una pequeña película basada en el Salmo 23.
Incluso aunque camine por el valle de la sombra de la muerte no temeré ningún mal.
Worship Media Girl
For Him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we can ask or imagine…We are thankful. For His power that is at work within us, we are thankful. For the family He has given us, we are thankful. For His promise to all generations, we are thankful. For all He has done in our lives and in the lives of our families, we are thankful. We truly are thankful.
El Libro De Jueces
Worship Media Girl
Israel served the Lord all the days of Joshua. When Joshua died, another generation arose after them who did not know the Lord. The the Lord raised up judges each judge sought to save Israel, but Israel had no king, and everyone did what was right in their own eyes. The Book of Judges.
La Luz Del Mundo
Pixel Preacher
“Light of the World”, tells of the purpose of Jesus through a beautiful stained glass design. He was sent to free us from sin, shed light on the darkness, pay our sin debt and be the king of our hearts. Celebrate this Christmas that Jesus came for us all.
Un Niño Es Nacido
Worship Media Girl
“The Lord himself will give us a sign, the virgin will conceive and give birth to a son and will call him Emmanuel” Isaiah 7:14 God with us. 700 years later Jesus was born in a dark cruel world with a mission of salvation and redemption of our sins. A Child Is Born.