Rather than complaining and demanding more, let us give thanks to God for all He has given us, and accept His unconditional love for us. This video fits into week three of Lent, or could be used to set up a sermon.
Help people understand that when they don’t feel like they measure up they should remember that God sees them as worthy, and loves them no matter what. Use this video the fourth week of Lent, or to set up a message on God’s unconditional love.
This prayer acknowledges that when we feel alone and abandoned, it’s because we have moved away from God. Invite your congregation to join in this prayer for renewal. Use this video on the fifth week of Lent, or to set up a message.
The moment when everything changed — the morning Jesus rose and broke through the darkness — we were all given a new life, a do-over. Celebrate Easter Sunday with this prayer of rejoicing at Jesus’ resurrection.
As Tommy and Eddie explain what happened on the first Palm Sunday, Tommy's imagination gets a little out of control. Between flying candies and impromptu karaoke, the guys eventually get to the point of what Jesus' triumphant entry into Jerusalem means for us.
Watch our Introduction video on the book of Job, which outlines the book's main theme and how it is fulfilled in Jesus. Why does God allow us to suffer? Why do bad things happen to good people? The book of Job takes these questions head-on but may not give us the answers we want.
Donning Easter costumes and singing "Easter carols" may not be the best way to invite a neighbor to your church's Easter service. This comical video will remind your congregation to reach out to someone and extend an invitation.
Sometimes tempers flare from something deep within, and we're not even sure what we're really outraged about. Use this emotionally-stirring video to set up a message on pain and anger.
What does Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection mean for us today? This Easter anthem video calls each of us to live out the Great Commission, opening our eyes to what that looks like tangibly in our world. Ideal for use on Easter Sunday or the week after Easter.
Peter goes back to the place where Jesus was arrested, sharing the story all that happened that night. He remembers how Jesus was always cleaning up other people’s messes. His great joy is revealed when He shares about Jesus rising from the dead, explaining that what Jesus did on the cross takes our sin and turns it upside down. Jesus beat death.
As we imagine what the preparation for the Last Supper may have been like, we hear Mara share her story, revealing what she witnessed from outside the room where Jesus and the disciples gathered. She expresses her shock at Jesus washing the feet of the other men, and her amazement at Jesus’ words.
In Luke 18 Jesus gives a simple parable about Pride and Humility. This mini movie presents the parable with a fresh take, comparing it to an old joke we have all heard in one form or another: “A Monk a Rabbi and a pastor walk into a church……”
This year, one man takes every precaution for the Easter service and is heralded as the "Safety Hero," at least in his own mind. This funny Easter service reminder video includes three different endings: online only service invite, in-person and online service invite, and a customizable ending screen.
Leave it to a child to ask the most random, and sometimes the most poignant, questions. This Thanksgiving video will have people laughing and feeling thankful for Jesus.
Stevie and Danny have been best friends forever and always tell each other everything (including confessions of a middle school romance). But Danny holds out on telling Stevie about the most important thing, Jesus. This is a perfect setup to a message or retreat about evangelism.