A simple opener for a sermon series or a social media video about the book of Acts with keywords: Holy Spirit, wait, dunamis (Greek word meaning inherent power and more.
Each soul was created by our Creator, but we often forget that we're all from the same dust, turning our backs on the needs of our fellow humans. Sanctity means that we give all the love back to the God who holds each soul in His hand by caring for His creation as long as we have breath.
Connect your congregation to the Advent message of Hope. This mini-movie is a part of our larger Inspirational Advent Collection, all created with the same visual consistency and messaging.
The Christian life is much like running a race. The race is no short sprint, but an enduring long journey, where we discipline ourselves to persevere and focus on Jesus the founder and perfecter of our faith.
This video depicts beautiful, scenic imagery while displaying the comforting words of Psalm 23... "Even though I walk through the darkest valley, I will fear no evil... for you are with me."
In Christ, we are one. We are one body with many parts; diverse, but unified. We are created with different roles, but equal value. Together in Christ, we share, serve, and shine brightly. In Christ, we are one.
Prepare for a time of praise and worship with this high energy worship intro. Now is the time to come together and surrender all to Him as you experience His joy in fellowship.