Mini Movies, Sermon Illustrations & Worship Videos
Praise Worship Intro
Hyper Pixels Media
In the deepest valley, on the highest mountain. Let everything that has breath Praise The Lord.
Peace In The Storm
Church Fuel
Just as Jesus calmed the storm for His disciples, He can bring peace to our hearts.
During the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus taught us all how to pray by using the Lord’s Prayer. Prayer is the foundation of our spiritual lives. Without prayer, our relationship to God is meaningless. But many of us struggle with prayer.
Exodus - Journey To Freedom
Church Visuals
For 400 years, the Israelite people were captive in Egypt. As slaves, they were abused by harsh masters. God’s rescue brought them out and a journey began from Egypt to the Promised Land. Like the Israelites, we too have been set free from the bondage of sin. With this freedom a reality, we begin a journey to freedom. Perfect to use as a service opener, sermon bumper or transitional element in your worship services.
Because of our limited imagination, we can fail to grasp a limitless God! A God who is 3 distinct persons but yet one, not only a father but a son and Holy Spirit. Knowing who God is doesn’t just depend on us; he has already made a way for us to know him. God is beyond our imagination yet he invites us to come to him, to know him and to walk with him.
As we celebrate Easter in this new normal, Graves into Gardens gives us a word of remembrance for the victory that was won through Jesus on the cross. We get to celebrate the defeat of Friday’s tomb into new life in the garden, new life that we all get to experience as His children.
God’s plan for transforming the world runs directly through the family unit. Unfortunately, our culture has largely neglected this God-given gift. If family truly matters, then we will make time for one another.
The First Christmas - Wisemen
After the child was born, wise men journeyed from the east to find the One whose birth was made known by the rising of a star in the sky. “Where is this King of the Jews?” they asked. “For we have come to worship Him!”
Last Words Of Christ: Martha
Skit Guys Studios
When her brother Lazarus died, Martha felt as though Jesus had abandoned them. She believed Lazarus was gone forever. However, the words Jesus said from the cross about feeling forsaken by God may have connected with how Martha felt on a deeper level. The reflections from Martha help us consider how we can hope for a different ending in our story, even when we feel forsaken.
This powerful video shows that every life matters. We believe in the beauty of life.
Únete A Un Grupo
Worship Media Girl
Life wasn’t meant to be lived alone. You were created to live in community. That is why our life groups exist. Life-change happens in the context of meaningful relationships, so take the next step and join a life group today.
God So Loved The World
Hyper Pixels Media
For God so loved the world…. Not just my world, but the WHOLE world, He sent Jesus to teach us what that love looks like.
Fruit Of The Spirit
Worship Media Girl
This video is based on the nine fruits of the Spirit: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control from Galatians 5:22-23
The Greatest Gift
Canyon Productions
This short video shares the greatest gift that this world has ever received in God’s son, Jesus. And asks the question: what should our response be? This 1-minute video can be used as an opener or a sermon bumper.