Mini Movies, Sermon Illustrations & Worship Videos
An animated video telling the story of Pharaoh, Moses, the Plagues, the Passover and the Exodus of the Israelites from Egypt. A great opening video explaining Passover or to explain the background behind a Seder meal.
You Are Faithful
Playback Media
He is present. He changes at exactly the right time. He is always the same. Undeniable. Immoveable. Faithful. This mini-movie from Playback Media called, “You Are Faithful” will inspire your congregation to have faith in God even though we can’t see Him.
"What name could contain such a glory?" Created in partnership with Pixel Preacher. A captivating message for Christmas Eve services. Also available in Spanish.
A New Year's Prayer
Church Visuals
To move forward into a new year, we must first look back. God goes before us; we can trust in Him. Use this Mini-Movie to get the new year started off focused on God.
Still The Light Of The World
Hyper Pixels Media
Two thousand years ago, a baby was born… a light to the world… the promised Messiah. This Christmas, though these dark times are very similar, we can still rejoice in celebrating the same Christ-child. Jesus is still enough to bring us hope, faith, joy and peace. This Christmas mini-movie is a fantastic addition to your church gathering or teaching on the Nativity.
The Commission
Centerline New Media
After His resurrection, Jesus gave the disciples the Great Commission. He assured them of His power, promised them His unending presence, and urged them to accept the call to go into the world and make new disciples. Based on Matthew 28:18-20, this mini-movie is great for the Sunday after Easter.
Cain y Abel, trajeron ofrendas al Señor, pero solo la de Abel fue aceptada. ¿Por qué Dios rechazo la ofrenda de Caín?
Childlike Faith
Adoption Media
This touching mini-movie reflects on the words of Jesus in Mark 10:15 about all us of needed childlike faith. It leads us to ask ourselves: what does this look like in my life? And to remember that without Him we can do nothing! This mindset is the essence of childlike faith, to rely on God for all our needs!
Without a dream, we wander aimlessly through life, and we threaten the fulfillment of our God-given purpose. It is so important to God that we live our lives as dreamers, but too often, we allow wrong views of life, self, and God to keep us from seeing the potential we have to fulfill great dreams.
As Christ followers, we can have a true sense of belonging. Even in our loneliest moments, we are still living in the midst of Jesus. We belong to the King of Kings, the Risen Savior, the one true and holy God. This is life as His child!
The Way In A Manger
Journey Box Media
From seven different perspectives comes the story of one baby whose arrival would forever change the world. The Way in a Manger is perfect for connecting your congregation with the reality of the birth of Christ, as told by Simeon, Joseph, Herod, the Magi, the Innkeeper, Mary, and a Shepherd. Purchase includes a .zip file of various still images from the video for your use.
A Prayer Of Surrender
Freebridge Media
At the very heart of worship is a life surrendered to God. It's in those moments, when we let go of everything and lay our lives down, that we truly answer the call to worship.
Sounds Of The Cross
Igniter Media
The sounds leading up to Christ’s crucifixion are haunting. But in those sounds, a Savior’s love rang so loudly, we still feel its echo today.
An animation based video that goes through Matthew 6:25-33, where Jesus is teaching his Sermon on the Mount, and he discusses anxiety.
The Nicene Creed
Hope Oakville Media
The Nicene Creed is the profession of faith or creed that is most widely used in Christian liturgy.