Mini Movies, Sermon Illustrations & Worship Videos
Immerse yourself in this powerful video echoing the timeless wisdom of building a life on a foundation of faith, obedience, and truth.
Life's challenges—doubt, fear, uncertainty—often weaken us, but in Christ's strength, we find true empowerment.
The Beauty Of Creation
This captivating video beautifully paraphrases the events of Genesis 1, recounting all that God created from light and darkness to man and woman, culminating in a simple reminder of God's rest on the seventh day.
Remember My Sacrifice - Communion
James Grocho
Experience the deep significance of His body broken and His blood poured out for us.
When In Romans Bumper
Pixel Preacher
An inventive and out-of-the-box sermon series on the book of Romans. When Saul met Jesus, it transformed Paul’s life.
We Are The Church Bumper
Pixel Preacher
We Are The Church is based on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, with Christ Jesus himself as the chief cornerstone, as described in Ephesians 2:19-21.
Words hold the power of life and death. They reflect the heart within and reveal who we truly are.
Stories are the language of the soul. This is why Jesus used storytelling so often to illustrate deeper truths.
These now-famous stories are known as parables. Today they continue to remind us who God is and how much He loves us.
Psalm 23 (The Lord Is My Shepherd)
Church Fuel
This video is a beautiful illustration of Psalm 23, reminding us that God is our Good Shepherd, and that He will provide and care for us with all our needs.
With vibrant visuals and inspiring music, this mini-movie is based on 1 Corinthians 13:4-8. Perfect for Valentine’s Day or any love-themed service or event.
Graves Into Gardens Spoken Word
Playback Media
It was Friday Afternoon and Jesus is Dead. This wasn't how it was supposed to be... the Hope of mankind overcome by powers of hell... by the shadow of a grave. But, instead of killing the Messiah, the cross has become a canvas for salvation. The hole that was meant to serve as an instrument of shame and death was instead filled with an instrument to bring healing and new life.
Sometimes it’s moments of brokenness which create the greatest transformations. Times where fear gives birth to faith, pain leads to healing and chaos dissolves into peace. It’s in these times, we often see God more clearly. For in our deepest turmoil, He remains faithful. When our spirit is crushed, He remains strong.
Why do we give? We give to make a difference, to touch hearts and change lives.
We Are Still His Church
Playback Media
This uplifting video is a powerful reminder that God’s love, power, and mercy doesn’t change, and wherever two or more are gathered, that unchanging God is there.
Love Sex Dating
Pixel Preacher
It’s the inevitable topic that we all must face at some point. These
days, this topic needs to be address sooner than later, especially in
the younger generation. The idea of love and sex has gone from bad
to worse in a very short period of time. God’s original plan has
become diluted and skewed so much that many of us don’t know
what’s right and what’s wrong.