This Mini-Movie shares the story of Joseph, whose dream seemed to die after trials, conflict, and betrayal but ultimately led to his transformation from the pit to the palace.
This scripture-based video draws on the Gospel of John to communicate Jesus' powerful and life-saving roles as the Word of God, Lamb of God, and Son of God.
Because of our limited imagination, we can fail to grasp a limitless God! A God who is 3 distinct persons but yet one, not only a father but a son and Holy Spirit. Knowing who God is doesn’t just depend on us; he has already made a way for us to know him. God is beyond our imagination yet he invites us to come to him, to know him and to walk with him.
For 400 years, the Israelite people were captive in Egypt. As slaves, they were abused by harsh masters. God’s rescue brought them out and a journey began from Egypt to the Promised Land. Like the Israelites, we too have been set free from the bondage of sin. With this freedom a reality, we begin a journey to freedom. Perfect to use as a service opener, sermon bumper or transitional element in your worship services.
How strong is your faith? Is it strong enough to move mountains? God calls us to fully rely on Him. To trust God in all that we do and all that we go through. Life throws some serious curveballs. Are we able to keep our eyes on God in every situation? Is nothing impossible when it comes to God?
Money, tithing, and stewardship can be challenging topics to address with your congregation. However, this uplifting video makes it easy to share Biblical principles about giving, showing that God has a plan to bless us and others when we are faithful to follow His commands.
Isaiah explains about the political landscape into which Jesus was born. Herod’s massacre of the innocents is one of the subjects of this narration. “Keep your head down little one - run for your life!" Location: Rockefeller Plaza, New York.