Mini Movies, Sermon Illustrations & Worship Videos
Christmas is a celebration of the greatest gift ever given. In this humorous video, two seasonal mall employees are reminded that Christmas is all about the spirit of giving.
Christmas 101
Flashlight Films
Entertain your audience with this hilarious re-telling of Christmas.
Christmas Connection (Original)
It's so easy for us to look at Christmas as an isolated event without thinking about how the baby Jesus, born in a manger, grew up to teach, die on the cross, and live on in our hearts. This light-hearted film uses humor to remind us all why the birth of our Savior is being celebrated. From our producers Eight20Eight.
An inspirational piece created to allow the congregation to reflect and prepare their hearts for the Lord's Supper. Package includes 6 motion loops at no additional cost.
More Than Words
AngelHouse Media
What would our world be like if people truly lived out love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, gentleness, goodness, and self-control? In this musical journey set in the late 1950's, one young boy sets out to see the world in a whole new way. Scored by Grooters & Beal song, "Seek Me."
Christmas Wish
Flashlight Films
All an 8-year-old girl wants for Christmas is some peace and quiet as she seeks to understand the chaotic Christmas season.
Thanksgiving 101
Flashlight Films
Do you remember what happened at the first Thanksgiving Day? These kids will tell you the story...sort of.
A Matter Of Seconds
Visual Reality
It only takes a matter of seconds to have your entire life changed by the power of Jesus Christ. What are you waiting for?
Life is much clearer when looked at through God's lenses.
Sometimes the "Spiritual Milk" we take into our mind and heart is a year past it's due date. Based on 1 Peter 2:24, use this clip to illustrate the importance of managing one's spiritual diet.
Life moves pretty fast. Sometimes God is just trying to get a word in edgewise. Use this simple, yet powerful clip to help your congregation "be still."
40 Million Minutes
Visual Reality
The average lifespan of an American is 40 Million Minutes. But, how much of that is spent with the creator of time?
What Is Your Purpose?
Visual Reality
Is there more to life than just making it day to day? We asked people on the street what their ultimate purpose in life is.
What is sin? Are there certain sins that are greater than others? How often do you sin?