Mini Movies, Sermon Illustrations & Worship Videos
How do we define the word “unity?” We talk about it all the time - in churches, jobs, school, but what does it truly mean? Does it mean to have a common goal or belief? Or is it something bigger than that? This illustration compares it to a cup of coffee, in a really engaging way for church congregations or other viewers.
The Fifth Cup
Hyper Pixels Media
Time and again the Bible speaks of a cup of wrath which will be poured out against sinners.
How does an ancient symbol of fear, become the eternal symbol of hope? The cross is the greatest sign of His strength, His Sacrifice, His power to turn what was meant for evil into the greatest good the world has ever seen and show the greatest love the world will ever know. Share this powerful illustration with your church as a reminder of what the cross truly represents for us.
Use this powerful spoken word to uplift your congregation. It pairs perfectly with the worship track, "Battle Belongs".
Christmas - God's Gifts
Church Fuel
Let’s thank God for His great gifts this Christmas - His gifts of peace, grace, faithfulness, mercy, strength, compassion, love, for His presence, for His Spirit, and for His Son.
Breathe. Listen. Hear what God is speaking to you, and stop getting distracted. Find rest in His presence. Time with Him is essential - make it a priority. Pray. Listen. Breathe.
Philippians 4:6-7 is beautifully brought to life with this powerful and moving video. “…and the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.”
Praise God from whom all blessings flow. Praise Him all creatures here below. Praise Him above, ye heavenly hosts. Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. A modern musical and visual take on the traditional hymn of praise.
This meaningful video recognizes those who care for us in the Lord, our pastors. For all they do from stage and behind the scenes, we want to say thank you. For praying, leading, teaching, equipping, caring, sharing their lives, and showing us what it looks like to walk with Jesus. Thank you!
Generosity Prayer
Hyper Pixels Media
May we pursue righteousness and Godliness, for our hope is not in wealth. Our hope is in God, our provider. Share this prayer for generosity with your congregation.
This contemplative video shepherds us through the celebration of communion. We remember Christ's sacrifice, examine our hearts and proclaim His death until He comes again.
As Long As We Have Breath
Skit Guys Studios
Each soul was created by our Creator, but we often forget that we're all from the same dust, turning our backs on the needs of our fellow humans. Sanctity means that we give all the love back to the God who holds each soul in His hand by caring for His creation as long as we have breath.
This upbeat prayer reminds us to be thankful in all circumstances - in plenty or in want. Every day is a good day to be thankful for life and laughter, family and friends, the majesty of creation, and the miracle of salvation.
The Christian life is much like running a race. The race is no short sprint, but an enduring long journey, where we discipline ourselves to persevere and focus on Jesus the founder and perfecter of our faith.