Mini Movies, Sermon Illustrations & Worship Videos
Return Of The King
Journey Box Media
A deeply moving Easter video. Jesus was not the king his people were looking for. Through the lens of the Triumphal Entry, The Cross, and the Garden, “Return of the King” is a powerful proclamation of the power of the resurrection. Long live the king!
How would you live if you knew you would rise? This Easter mini movie answers that question by showing us how Jesus lived during the week leading up to His death and resurrection. How will we live today?
his powerful Easter Worship Intro will create a celebratory and worshipful atmosphere for the beginning of your Easter Worship Service. With a cinematic music score and contemporary illustrations, this Easter video tells the story of Jesus’ ministry, his sufferings on Good Friday and his powerful resurrection on Easter Sunday.
All Things New Easter
Freebridge Media
The resurrection changed everything. Sin had been defeated and death had lost its sting. Our old life, separated from God, could now be renewed. The power of the resurrection made a new life, in Christ Jesus, possible.
The God Favor
Skit Guys Studios
Inviting people to Easter service is great. But there's a way to do it and a way not to do it. Watch for the latter as Don Calzone is asked the favor of getting someone to attend Easter Service.
Triumphant (Palm Sunday)
Freebridge Media
Holy week begins as Jesus arrives triumphantly in Jerusalem. Fulfilling centuries old prophecy. The people celebrated, shouting; “Blessed is He who comes in the name of The Lord”. In 7 days, Jesus would once again triumph…this time, over sin and
Celebrate (He Is Risen)
Remedy Media
How does the resurrection of Jesus apply to our lives today? This Mini-Movie is a powerful reminder of God’s powerful love for us demonstrated through Jesus’ death, burial, and resurrection. Perfect to create a celebration moment in your Easter Service.
Acknowledging the beauty of rest as the sun rises in the background, this brief mini movie reminds us that rest must have its end, that the church is a body made to move. Let us rise up now and go.
Every mother will tell you that time moves too fast. It’s easy to find yourself just moving through life without capturing the beauty of every moment with your kids. It’s time to slow down. Perfect to use as a service opener, sermon bumper or transitional element in your Mother’s Day worship services.
She's A Mom
Floodgate Productions
Mothers are worthy of honor because of what they do, and because of their sacred calling. This short video will help your church honor these amazing women.
A Message For Mother's Day
Igniter Media
Our moms give of themselves every day. This mini movie is a simple acknowledgement of their sacrifice and expression of our love for them.
Mom is the best! She's your number one cheerleader. She was uber before there was uber. So this Mother's Day, in this vibrant motion graphics piece, we just want to say, Thanks Mom!
Mom In Any Language
Freebridge Media
Around the world there are hundreds of ways to say “Mom”. Countless spellings and pronunciations. But there is one way that is universal, one word that says “Mom” more than any other. That word is “LOVE”! How do you say Mom?
This Mother’s Day, celebrate Mom for all she is and let her know how honored and cherished she truly is. Today, we give thanks to God for our Mom!
Where Would We Be?
Creative Media Solutions
Where would we be without Moms? We would be nowhere, literally. Celebrate mothers, special women, and role models in your church with this inspirational mini-movie. It’s a beautiful way to thank moms for all they do for their children, family, and so many others.