Mini Movies, Sermon Illustrations & Worship Videos
The Christmas season is filled with shopping, traffic, crowds and spending. Let us not forget the true message of Christmas, the perfect gift that God gave to us.
Christmas Connection (Original)
It's so easy for us to look at Christmas as an isolated event without thinking about how the baby Jesus, born in a manger, grew up to teach, die on the cross, and live on in our hearts. This light-hearted film uses humor to remind us all why the birth of our Savior is being celebrated. From our producers Eight20Eight.
Nativity - The Greatest Gift
This film puts an artistic spin to that old saying "remember the reason for the season" as acclaimed artist Barak Hardley crafts a nativity scene out of pieces of seasonal consumerism. Comes with a bonus textless version. From our producers Eight20Eight.
A Short Account Of Christmas
Church Fuel
A Short Account of Christmas takes a lighthearted trip through the holiday's history to remind us why it is important to remember the Reason for the season.
An inspirational piece created to allow the congregation to reflect and prepare their hearts for the Lord's Supper. Package includes 6 motion loops at no additional cost.
Thanksgiving 09
Floodgate Productions
If there's one word to describe what Americans have felt during 2009, the word might be "uncertain".
Thanksgiving Inspiration
Steelehouse Media Group
Thankfulness is more than a gesture; it's an expression of our character. Our perspective must be bigger than ourselves, we must know our history, and acknowledge our dependence on God.
He Came To Get Messy
Skit Guys Studios
Tommy Woodard of the Skit Guys presents a beautiful illustration of how Christ's birth was not as picture-perfect as we all grew up believing it was. The truth is that Jesus came to get his hands dirty.
This video humorously exaggerates the consumer attitude that many have towards worship. How does it make me feel? Does it suit my personal taste? Do I have time for it in my busy schedule?
Why She Gets A Day
Skit Guys Studios
She wiped your runny nose, cheered for your team, and cleaned up all your abandoned messes. She's a nurse, a coach, a teacher, and a cook. She's under-appreciated and overworked. She's your mom. Watch this video as The Skit Guys give a subtle reminder of why we celebrate Mother's Day.
Have you ever served another person without getting the recognition you deserved? Have you ever sacrificed your own wishes to care for another, and not been thanked profusely enough?
Sometimes life doesn't go the way we planned. But in the midst of the storm, God is working.
Is God really in control? Why do BAD things happen to GOOD people?
We have a God who desires to be the "Repairer of Broken Walls," and like Isaiah, we must respond to this desire.
A Love Issue
Floodgate Productions
Christians can be very judgmental, especially to people who disagree with their beliefs. Experience the internal monologue of a Christian who is finally admitting how judgmental he's become.