As we gather around the world, we come to worship, to pray, to seek God and learn from His word. We come to fellowship, to connect, to serve and to do life together. But, more than anything, we come to glorify Jesus,
As far as heaven is above the earth, that is the greatness of God's love. A worship intro based on Psalm 103. Great for Valentine's or love themed services!
What if love was greater than the darkest night? This colorfully illustrated mini movie asks us to reflect on the reality that God’s love for us in Christ truly is far greater than any darkness, pain, or loss we might experience in this life.
Nuestras historias pueden hacer que nos sintamos descalificados, quebrantados, y débiles. La Biblia nos dice que Jesús usa a los débiles para avergonzar a los fuertes, y los necios, para avergonzar a los sabios. Este video explica que cuando estamos en nuestro momento más débil, en ese mismo lugar es en donde debemos aprovechar la fuerza de Dios.
Here’s an up-close look at the lovely design and artistry on U.S. currency and a Christian’s obligation to tithe. Paying the tithe is something every Christian should do, as an expression of honor and gratitude for our God.
Here’s an up-close look at the lovely design and artistry on U.S. currency and a Christian’s obligation to tithe. Paying the tithe is something every Christian should do, as an expression of honor and gratitude for our God.
Here’s an up-close look at the lovely design and artistry on U.S. currency and a Christian’s obligation to tithe. Paying the tithe is something every Christian should do, as an expression of honor and gratitude for our God.
Here’s an up-close look at the lovely design and artistry on U.S. currency and a Christian’s obligation to tithe. Paying the tithe is something every Christian should do, as an expression of honor and gratitude for our God.
Here’s an up-close look at the lovely design and artistry on U.S. currency and a Christian’s obligation to tithe. Paying the tithe is something every Christian should do, as an expression of honor and gratitude for our God.
Often, we talk about all of the things that we LOVE, when truly, what we mean is that we really LIKE them. Love What Matters is an encouragement to be mindful of the casual way that we tend to use our words, as well as a reminder to express our love to the people who mean the most in our lives.
As Jesus spent 40 days in the desert praying and fasting, let us follow his lead during the season of Lent with self-denial, repentance, giving, and renewal. This video uses powerful images and music to remind your congregation of God’s love and sacrifice, which should encourage each of us to deny self and make God first place in our lives. Prepare your congregation for the celebration and sacrifice of Lent.
"Where were you when I laid the Earth's foundation?" Let's turn our attention to the beautiful universe that God has created for us and reflect upon our relationship. I mean, He created all this.. and he loves US? That's insane, right?
This is a thought-provoking story of how 2 teenagers are living out the Great Commission found in Matthew 28:18-20. Jesus has given us the authority to make disciples! Challenge your students to make disciples as they go about their everyday lives!
Come let us sing for joy to the Lord our Maker. Psalm 95 is set to beautiful images of creation and energetic music, making this a perfect intro for a time of worship.
We are inclined to seek large, spectacular signs and wonders, but God has always revealed Himself through small, seemingly insignificant things. Great in the Small is a poignant reminder that God does amazing things with the smallest of moments. Perfect for services with a focus on faith and humility.