Mini Movies, Sermon Illustrations & Worship Videos
Palm Sunday Lamb
Shift Worship
With the simplest images possible, this brief worship video tells of the triumphal entry of Christ, the Lamb, from a unique perspective and with a surprising and poignant ending.
Perfect for Easter Sunday, this uplifting video calls us to notice in each other that because Jesus lives, we who follow the Lamb are alive, as well, both now and forever.
Good Friday Lamb
Shift Worship
Good Friday Lamb is a simple but moving video for or about Good Friday that focuses on Christ, the Lamb who was slain, in light of three profound Scripture texts.
We love the hope of Easter, but we’ve got to go through Friday to get to Sunday.
Your guilt, sin and shame were nailed to the cross, put to death, and buried along with Jesus.
In this conversation between Jesus and Peter, grace is illustrated when Jesus forgives the unforgivable.
Isn't It Time We Repent
Rob Perry
Although simple, this short video is sure to impact your congregation concerning the need to repent.
2 Chronicles 7:14
Love Advice
Flickering Mind Media
A man receives “Love Advice” from a self proclaimed expert. Although his advice isn’t nearly as sound as he believes it to be.
The playoffs are here! This rollicking video about two extreme sports fans reminds us that God is not a genie. Let the Prayoffs begin!
MLK Not Just A Holiday
Recycle Your Faith
Have we overly narrowed Dr. Martin Luther King’s message to the “I Have a Dream” speech? Adam Taylor suggests that we pay more attention to Dr. King’s rich legacy of prophetic activism.
Everyone Worships Something
A quiet reflective worship intro with a thought-provoking message: Everyone worships something but we were made to worship just One. Also works well as an evangelistic spot.
You Are A New Creation
Hyper Pixels Media
This video is a powerful look at the lies that Satan tries to deceive us with and the amazing promise of God's love, forgiveness, and His desire to make us into a new creation.
Something New
Floodgate Productions
Last year may have been disappointing, but we serve a God who is always making all things new. Inpsire your congregation to look with hope on the coming year.
New Years Transformation
Floodgate Productions
The new year is a perfect time to embrace God's transforming hand in our lives. It might not be quick or easy, but He still transforms our hearts every day. Music by "Autumn in Repair".
The New Has Come
Centerline New Media
God offers us all the chance to begin again, to actually start over from the beginning, to be born again. This mini-movie can be used as a sermon illustration or during an invitation time as a call to salvation or rededication.