Mini Movies, Sermon Illustrations & Worship Videos
The Christmas Story
Church Visuals
Beautiful telling of The Christmas Story from Luke 2:1-19. This mini-movie coordinates with CHRISTMAS: VOLUME ONE.
Christmas With Jesus
Church Fuel
Once again the true meaning of Christmas is lost in all the excitement of the holidays.
Behold the Lamb of God, who came as a child in humbleness, born to take away our sins. An inspiring mini-movie for the Christmas season.
'Tis Better To Give
Skit Guys Studios
The brothers Marley gather to celebrate Christmas and quickly learn ’tis truly better to have a giving heart than to give anything at all.
Immanuel Is Born
Centerline New Media
God could have come to Earth with a show of power and might, but instead he came in gentleness, His glory and His thunder laid aside. A reflective mini-movie for the Christmas season.
Christmas: God With Us
Beamer Films
A dad takes his daughter on a journey every Christmas eve that reminds her that Christ was born for us. Perfect for Christmas or Christmas eve offerings.
God's light has a way of turning nothing into something. In that light He gives freedom, forgiveness and new life. Featuring spoken word artist Amena Brown. Also available in Christmas version.
The Answer
Hope Oakville Media
With so many big questions in this life, and so much hurt and pain it’s easy to feel discouraged and lost with it all.
My Lord And My God
Community Christian Church
Christ is risen, but Thomas still has his doubts. From Friday night to Sunday morning, this modern-day retelling of the resurrection story focuses on the doubts of Thomas.
In The One, the Gospel message is presented in a simple and straightforward manner and reinforced with typography at the crucial points.
"Also available in Spanish". There are so many small parts to a Mother’s life that it can seem ordinary, but there is nothing ordinary about the role of “Mother.”
Reverse Thinking
Deo Volente Media
In all honesty, life has no meaning or purpose apart from God. It is not the miseries of life which make life miserable, but the life itself is miserable; that is why even the richest cannot be happy.
Often, we want to hear the voice of God; but often we don't realize that God speaks to us through SILENCE. If you want to hear the still small voice of God, you need to be still.
A real life shepherd living in a Muslim village. Murat is a true story that demonstrates how God is using everyday people to do His work.
We've all got ghosts from our past. Whether they're self-inflicted wounds or pain imposed by others, we've all been there.