Mini Movies, Sermon Illustrations & Worship Videos
A video depicting the incredible transformation of Saul of Tarsus into the Apostle Paul.
We all have hopes and dreams for our children, but as this video soberly reminds us, those dreams can often be derailed. Music by the O'Neill Brothers (
Jesus was quick to love and slow to judge, but sometimes his followers get it backwards. These real-life stories remind us all of the need to balance truth with grace.
If It Weren't For Jesus
Sagebrush Community Church
Stories of lives that have been changed because of Jesus.
I Like Listening
I Like Giving
The joy of a simple act of generosity changes the way a couple lives.
The Marriage Institute A True Story
While the Marriage Institute isn’t a real organization it is really funny. In this video, Matt Trimony (see what we did there?), founder of The Marriage Institute, reveals what’s going on inside one spouse’s head while the other is talking.
White Church, Black Church
Recycle Your Faith
Martin Luther King, Jr. said “It is appalling that the most segregated hour of Christian America is eleven o’clock on Sunday morning.” Why is this still true?
Where's The Authority
Recycle Your Faith
The reformation marked a shift in authority from church leadership to the Bible. In this clip, Phyllis Tickle discusses how she thinks we are amidst another shift in authority.
Tree Hugging For Jesus
Recycle Your Faith
Tri wanted his church to start taking better care of the environment, so he asked them to start taking more hikes. This clip tells the story of a church that takes environmentalism seriously.
The Impact Of Giving
Recycle Your Faith
Several years ago Eugene and his wife decided to give an entire year’s wages to help fight poverty. It was more difficult than they imagined.
Pray With Your Feet
Recycle Your Faith
Does prayer influence God or does it change the nature of the one who prays? In this clip Tim shares what happened as he started keeping his eyes open during prayer.
An Opportunity For Dialog
Recycle Your Faith
Christians often marginalize believers who ask questions in faith. Non-Christians also marginalize non-believers who still believe in truth.
When Leah Pauline was 19 she spent 3 months in Uganda with her sister and a friend. After seeing horrible living conditions at one of the orphanages they decided to do something about it. They started their own orphanage and rescued the kids.
Sentiments Of Routine
Recycle Your Faith
It wasn't until Paul stopped tithing that he started finding meaning in it. In this clip Paul talks about how he found new meaning in the spiritual disciplines after looking at their intent.
Is Jesus more concerned about our beliefs and behavior or that we are following him? In this clip Vince Antonucci describes how he views following Jesus like an adventure.