There are many kinds of invitations. Some can be cute. Some can be spur of the moment. And some can be life changing. Use this mini-movie to remind your congregation to invite someone to your church's Easter services. Updated for 2017!
This short, humorous video teaches us not judge people by their appearance, but to see them as Christ sees them. Watch Invite 2 by The Sound Tank! Your congregation will love the ending!
This short, humorous video teaches us not judge people by their appearance, but to see them as Christ sees them. Watch Invite, by The Sound Tank! Your congregation will love the ending!
Christmas is one of the best times to invite someone to church! Use this sweet and heartwarming mini-movie to encourage your community to invite their friends and co-workers to church on Christmas.
We can all relate to that “I have to tell someone!” feeling we get when we receive exciting news. Good News is not only an encouragement to invite others to experience Easter Sunday with your community, but it also works year-round as a reminder of the Great Commission. This is designed to work with our Easter invite video,The Risen Way.
We can all get so busy and self-absorbed, that we overlook the hurting people all around us who need to be introduced to Jesus. Easter is a very special time, when the unchurched are open to accepting an invite to visit your church. Use this powerful video to remind your congregation about the need to invite their family, friends, and neighbors to your church's Easter Services. This Easter invite video will make a great introduction to a sermon about the great commission, evangelism or outreach.
V.B.S. is coming to churches all across the world. V.B.S can be a serious issue…please two minutes and do what you can. Remember to make sure your kids are involved this summer!
Show this video prior to Mother's Day to announce your Mother's Day service and to get people thinking about who to invite. Learn more about the Mother's Heart service church kit at
Show this video prior to Mother's Day to encourage your church to invite others to your Mother's Heart service. Learn more about the Mother's Heart service church kit at
Inviting someone to your church's Easter services doesn't have to be complex, or driven by guilt. Hear the voice of someone who could be sitting in your church this Easter.
This Christmas, set your visitors at ease by letting them know they are accepted, cared about and loved. Let them know church is a place they can call home...where they can belong.....
This Thanksgiving, welcome people to church by letting them know they are accepted, cared about and loved. Let them know church is a place they can call home...