With all the reasons we can find to divide and distance from one another, it is more important than ever that we build bridges through our common love of Jesus Christ.
This encouraging mini-movie combines abstract 3D artwork with powerful scripture verses. Despite our trials, our loneliness, and the battles of life, our God is fighting for us and will never leave us.
By the word of The Lord the Heavens were made. Their starry host by the breath of His mouth. Let all the people of the World revere Him, for the plans of The Lord stand firm forever. We wait in hope for The Lord, our help and our shield. In Him our hearts rejoice, as we trust his holy name. May His unfailing love be with us as we put our hope in Him. From Psalm 33.
Inspire your congregation to look at Labor Day in a fresh light. This video encourages us to embrace everything we do as though we are doing it for God.
It’s been a while since we’ve been together and it’s so good to be home! Let’s celebrate The King of Kings and worship the Lord of Lords. This is the day He has made and we will rejoice…together! Welcome Home Church!
Celebrate the sacrifice Jesus made for us all with this communion themed mini movie that portrays the symbolism of the communion bread and cup and their representation of Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross.
The way of Jesus is counter cultural. It is time for the Church to live it out within their community. Perfect to use as a service opener, sermon bumper or transitional element in your worship services to inspire your congregation to be bold with their faith.
These have been difficult times, filled with uncertainty. Yet, through it all, God has remained faithful. He has not left us. He has not forsaken us. For He is the same yesterday, today and forever. No matter our circumstance, Jesus is Lord…and we still worship Him!
This New Year’s video reminds us that no matter what comes this year, whether it be filled with trials or with blessings, we need to look to Him for our joy, peace, and strength.
Thankfulness can be hard to come by. Circumstances, brokenness, frustration all get in the way. It can be difficult to see God through the fog. You want to believe God is in control, but you look around and see…chaos. How do you give thanks in such a moment? When we’re in our darkest moment, God promises to never leave us or forsake us. When our faith is shaken to its core, our God remains faithful. The World will ebb and flow, but if we run with endurance the race set before us…If we fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith…We will find Thanksgiving.
The most important thing about the Christmas story just happens to be the least expected. This mini movie illustrates the surprising reality that the savior of the world came to the earth as a helpless baby.