Mini Movies, Sermon Illustrations & Worship Videos
Pastor Appreciation Day
This mini movie is to recognize Pastor Appreciation Day. We want to honor and thank pastors everywhere that are faithfully walking out their calling.
These are challenging times. The division and frustration are palpable. The balance is constantly shifting. The lines, consistently blurred. Truths, half truths, lies, mixed messages, confusing headlines…all in the middle of a Nation whose back has been broken. Finding God in the midst of this moment is difficult. As the election draws closer, countless voices will try to sway you one way or the other.
Psalm 145: Call To Worship
Skit Guys Studios
This call-to-worship video walks through Psalm 145 and brings people's attention to the greatness of God. Use it to encourage and inspire your congregation as you prepare for worship.
God Wants To Meet With You
Church Visuals
Each and every Sunday, as folks gather to worship, God meets them right where they are. Don’t miss the opportunity to meet with Him. Perfect to use as a service opener, sermon bumper or transitional element in your worship services.
This mini movie is a scripture reading out of Psalm 46. It gives us the assurance that God is our refuge in all moments and a reminder that He alone is the all powerful God.
This mini movie is a scripture reading of Psalm 121:1. In this passage we are reminded of our Helper who is watching over us now and forever.
My Shepherd (Psalm 23)
This mini movie is a scripture reading from Psalm 23. When we are going through the dark valleys we can be reminded of the truth that the Lord is the good shepherd and comforts us in the darkness of moments and is gracious to us.
Father Of Mercies
Centerline New Media
Praise the Father of mercies, the God of compassion. Who brings healing from our suffering, and salvation in our troubles. Based on 2 Corinthians 1:3-10.
The Heavens Declare
Floodgate Productions
Use this Worship Opener, created with text directly from Psalm 19, to inspire your people to join with all of creation in declaring the glory of God.
You make the leaves to fall and the sun to rise. Like the trees we will shed the old, and like the sun we will be raised anew. We are made righteous and holy by Your hand. We are made new. A colorful and upbeat worship intro based on Ephesians 4:22-24.
This mini movie is a prayer to give hope for the unknown future that lies ahead in 2020. While we may not know the future, we do have an anchor of hope in Christ and in His full sovereignty.
This mini movie is a scripture reading of the Beatitudes from the Sermon on the Mount. The recounting of the blessings serve as a reminder and hope that as Christians, we are blessed even when our circumstances don’t reflect that, we have the hope of eternity with Christ.
Sometimes it’s moments of brokenness which create the greatest transformations. Times where fear gives birth to faith, pain leads to healing and chaos dissolves into peace. It’s in these times, we often see God more clearly. For in our deepest turmoil, He remains faithful. When our spirit is crushed, He remains strong.
The names of God are special and each one reveals something about his character. In the person of Jesus, we see the fullness of God on display. Perfect to use as a service opener, sermon bumper or transitional element in your worship services.
United We Stand
Church Visuals
We have so many reasons to be divided, but we have one reason to be united. We need to unite under the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Perfect to use as a service opener, sermon bumper or transitional element in your worship services.