Mini Movies, Sermon Illustrations & Worship Videos
Advent Worship 3: Christ
Skit Guys Studios
The Christmas hymns were inspired by the miracle of Jesus' birth, and remind us of His presence and love. Celebrate the arrival of Jesus on Christmas Eve with this Advent video.
Un joven camina por una Iglesia y se da cuenta que se encuentra vacía y que la Iglesia es solo un edificio. Se da cuenta de que los vitrales no pueden orar por los enfermos y que las paredes de la Iglesia no pueden predicar el Evangelio. Se da cuenta que depende de la gente de la Iglesia ser la Iglesia.
Psalm 100: A Call To Worship
Skit Guys Studios
Use this call to worship, based on Psalm 95, to prepare your congregation for service as we're encouraged to praise and celebrate our King and Creator.
We Are The Church
James Grocho
A young man realizes while walking into an empty church, that the church is just a building. He realizes that stained glass windows can’t pray for the sick, and the walls of the church can’t preach the Gospel. It’s up to the people of the church to be the church.
God promises to bless us and keep us. We enter His house with our heart and mind and act in His grace and return His favor. This video is an inspirational reminder for us to give freely as He has given freely to us.
Community Promo
Adoption Media
Even though it can take some work at times Community is how God designed the church to grow and this mini-movie is a simple and effective way to remind your congregation that Community is important. Highlighting the ideas from Hebrews 10:24-25 it can be added to any service to help spur people to get involved in community.
Invite your congregation into a time of worship with this opening bumper. Featuring a beautiful drone footage beautiful and clear nature with inspirational words animating into the foreground.
Let's Worship Intro
Adoption Media
This great service/worship/gathering starter is high energy with a message of hope. The goal is to get people thinking of Jesus and his promises and the simple yoke of trust that he has laid out for us. Trust Jesus and not yourself. A powerful message with a great beat and great visuals, with an ending that can lead into musical worship or a sermon message.
Fractured Light Opener
Dan Stevers
A worship opener based on Psalm 145. For matching motions see Fractured Light.
Response Time
Floodgate Productions
A lifestyle of worship calls believers to respond to all that God is, and all that He's
done. Help prepare your congregation to respond to the one true God.
Through Jesus we have freedom. Freedom of the chains of sin and death. Freedom from all which separated us from God. We are free to live, free to worship and free to give ourselves as a sacrifice of praise. It was for freedom, Christ set us free.
A Prayer For Students
Skit Guys Studios
When we hear the words "back to school," we think about all our children will face as they step onto the school bus and into the classroom. Use this prayer to encourage parents and children as the new year begins.
Dear God (A Prayer For The School Year)
Freebridge Media
As a new school year begins, let’s take a moment to ask for God’s guidance and protection over our children. That He would give them the wisdom to make right choices and the courage to live out their faith and be the light of Christ in their schools.
Creator Messiah Jesus
Freebridge Media
We worship a mighty Savior. The King of Kings and Lord of Lords. He is our Redeemer and De-liverer. Faithful, righteous and everlasting. He is our Creator, our Messiah…He is Jesus.
This poignant short film addresses the struggle of waiting on the Lord, featuring beautiful footage of nature and urban environments which match the narrative Sometimes we can feel like weíre drowning, lost, and wandering and waiting for a sign or for God to come to our rescue. In a climactic moment, this mini-movie encourages the viewer to Hold On, they are precious to Him and He will come to their rescue in time.