Mini Movies, Sermon Illustrations & Worship Videos
A service starter featuring Psalm 121. For matching motion backgrounds see "Pigment".
Mother's Day Reminder 3
Skit Guys Studios
Thinking he has forgotten about Mother’s Day, one man freaks out in this funny reminder video. Use this as a lighthearted way to make sure the men and kids in your church know exactly when Mother's Day is so they can plan something great!
For All Women: A Mother's Day Blessing
Skit Guys Studios
Mother's Day can be a day of celebration for some and a day of sorrow for others. Celebrate all the women in your church with a blessing to those who are already moms, those who are trying to be moms, and those who aren't moms, but may fill the role of mom in someone's life. Let this very special video uplift every woman in your congregation.
Every mom knows: labor doesn’t end in the delivery room- in fact, that’s only the beginning. This video is a warm reminder from moms to moms that, even when she feels unnoticed and under-appreciated, God sees all the ways a mom loves her children in the ordinary, but holy, aspects of everyday life.
This worship intro will help your congregation get ready for worship as it tells us to slow down in our lives and to quiet all the distractions in our lives.
In This Moment Worship Intro
James Grocho
This worship intro will help your congregation get ready for worship as it tells us to slow down in our lives and to quiet all the distractions in our lives.
A narrative video where people write their fears on post-it sticky notes and then their fears are blown away because of the power of Jesus’s resurrection. We are no longer slaves to fear, because He is Risen!
After Easter (Risen Indeed)
Freebridge Media
Last week we celebrated the resurrection of our Savior. We stood in awe of a Redeemer who has defeated sin, conquered death and changed our eternity. Now the work of the Church begins. It’s our time to share Jesus with those around us. To let them know they are loved. To show them there is hope in the midst of hopelessness and light in the midst of darkness. It’s time to climb the mountaintops and proclaim… in one loud voice…He is risen. He is risen indeed!
The Risen King
Centerline New Media
Let us celebrate, that death is defeated and love has won! Let us celebrate the Risen King! With beautiful visuals and inspiring music, this Easter worship intro is perfect to open your Resurrection Sunday service.
As Jesus hung on the cross, he seemed powerless to free himself. But, it wasn’t the soldiers that kept him captive. It wasn’t the taunting crowds that secured him fast. It wasn’t the nails piercing his hands and feet that held him there. It was love for all humanity that caused Jesus to endure the pain of the cross so we could experience the joy of resurrection. Perfect to use as a service opener, sermon bumper or transitional element in your worship services.
Shout Hosanna
Hyper Pixels Media
Zechariah 9:9 states, "See, your King comes to you." On Palm Sunday, Jesus came to Jerusalem riding on a donkey. The people shouted His praises. However, Jesus wept, because they couldn't see that their King had come. They wanted to be saved, but they couldn't see the Savior before them. This Palm Sunday, let us shout to Hosanna and let us open our eyes to see Jesus as our Savior and Lord.
A video based on Matthew 28 showing the actual tomb of Jesus in Israel. This short film conveys the resurrection of Jesus with visuals of Israel and Jesus tomb.
The Old Rugged Cross
Skit Guys Studios
The image of the cross is a powerful reminder of Jesus' sacrifice and the salvation His death brings to all. This beautiful video is a new take on the iconic hymn, and brings our focus to Jesus and, ultimately, God's promise to us. Includes a download of the song, "Old Rugged Cross," featured in the video.
Celebrate the Holy Week of Easter. He has brought victory and salvation to the lost. Open you service with the bright and vibrant worship intro. Perfect for your Easter service.
De Muerte A Vida
Shift Worship
Celebrate the Holy Week of Easter. He has brought victory and salvation to the lost. Open you service with the bright and vibrant worship intro. Perfect for your Easter service.