Mini Movies, Sermon Illustrations & Worship Videos
Wherever we turn there is something to distract us. Technology, social media, music, and food - all things that we lend our mind to throughout the day.
What Fatherhood Means
Steelehouse Media Group
Fatherhood isn't just the things dads do. It's a vital institution of values, temperaments, and convictions that guide a man as he raises his children.
Teaching your teenager to drive, giving your kid's pet fish a funeral, explaining the birds and the bees, playing catch––fatherhood isn't something that happens all at once.
When we feel lost and forgotten, it seems like there is no one there to comfort and help us. Where do we turn? Is there anyone who knows us and wants to know us deeper still. Yes.
That Moment When - Fathers
Journey Box Media
Father’s Day is a great time to reflect on all the moments of fatherhood - the highs and lows. Use this clever mini-movie to honor the men in your community who recognize these special moments.
A Soldiers Pledge
Hyper Pixels Media
Use this powerful video on Memorial Day, Veterans Day, or Independence Day to honor the men and women who have selflessly defended our nation.
Christmas Invite
Steelehouse Media Group
Christmas is a time of joy, but it can also magnify burdens. This Christmas Invite will inspire your congregation to reach out to those who are struggling, to invite them to your church where they can hear the Christmas message of a new beginning.
This Is A Soldier
Skit Guys Studios
As the church we are called to mourn with those who mourn. This memorial day we remember the soldiers who have fallen in service to our country.
Heroes Inspiration
Steelehouse Media Group
The most defining trait of a hero is sacrifice. This stirring collection of quotes speaks to the character of our heroes - and the ultimate sacrifices they make.
We Can't Say Thank You Enough
Floodgate Productions
It's vital to honor the fallen, but extremely important to also pray for those left behind.
Graduation Nuggets Of Wisdom
Skit Guys Studios
Let Tommy and Eddie inspire your graduates with the best parts of everyone else's graduation speeches. WWhen all the best motivational one-liners unite, your graduates will leave inspired to live life to the fullest.
This dynamic typography video speaks about how we all say we are christians, but never put it into action.
This quick sermon starter on how we use our words asks us to stop and take Ephesians 4:29 seriously.
The word “Love” is a word used for all sorts of passions. But do we love sports the same way we love people?
This Is The Message
Dean Pickering
Motion graphic piece using 1 John 1:5-10. Handwritten font on steel door texture. Colored and effected for a type of "grunge" urban look. Ideal for pre-service and meditation time video.