This video is a message to all of those who are graduating and entering into the next season of life. We love you, we are proud of you, and we believe in you.
Why go to church? It's not about earning God's love. It's not about being seen. It's not about checking a box. We go to church because without people, the Church does not exist. We are God's presence in the world. This movie is a great kick-off to your worship service or use it as a Sermon Bumper.
Being a mom can be full of joy, but never without challenges. This is for the moms in your congregation who need a reminder that God is displaying His character through their lives.
Nothing can adequately prepare you for the moment you become a mom. To fully understand, you have to walk in motherhood's shoes. Perfect for Mother’s Day.
This brief benediction mini movie draws from Psalm 105 and Colossians 2 to put a focus on giving thanks to the Lord with gorgeous fall leaves as the background.
It was a night unlike any other. When love reached down and mercy touched earth. That night in Bethlehem, eternity changed…forever. Jesus, God’s only Son. Our King, our Messiah…grace among us.
Your church family will be inspired and touched by this beautiful, prayerful meditation on the meaning of Thanksgiving. America is one of the few nations worldwide who have set aside a national holiday dedicated to gratitude. These scriptures, concerning God’s goodness and grace to us, remind us that gratitude is expressed through giving thanks, praise, rejoicing, singing, sharing and prayer.
Jesus’ birth signaled to the world that hope had finally arrived. The King of Hope is a wonder to behold, especially for those who are longing for better days or carrying pain deep within. The hope He gives is eternal. Use this video during Advent or anytime you want to invite people into the wonder of hope.
This video reminds us that on a cold, dark night, the Good News of great joy was shared first with the least likely news bearers. Remember the God who sees lowly shepherds and whose only Son was sent for you, and walk with Him into the wonder of joy. Use this video during Advent or anytime you want to remind people of the wonder of joy found in Christ.
For anyone whose heart thirsts, but the well of life has run dry, or felt abandoned or misunderstood or alone, receive the gift of love. This video serves as a reminder to fill your soul with the wonder, the princess love of the Savior. Use this video during Advent or anytime during the holiday season when you want to lead people toward the wonder of God’s love for us.
Jesus came into this world, a miracle, a light in the darkness, a wonder to behold. This video invites us to take His hand and behold His role as mighty God, prince of peace, wonderful counselor. Use this video during Advent or anytime during the holiday season when you want to lead people toward the wonder of Christ.
“Peace on earth, goodwill toward men.” Every word is about God’s longing to be with us through the noise that we create because we are scared of the silence. If we just stop and listen, we can hear Him calling our name. The joy and love we seek is here. Let yourself hope and wonder.