Mini Movies, Sermon Illustrations & Worship Videos
Steelehouse 10 Commandments #9
Steelehouse Media Group
21st century people grapple with the timeless laws of God's universe known as the Ten Commandments. This is the ninth commandment "You shall not give false testimony against your neighbor."
Steelehouse 10 Commandments #6
Steelehouse Media Group
21st century people grapple with the timeless laws of God's universe known as the Ten Commandments. This is the sixth commandment "You shall not murder."
Steelehouse 10 Commandments #5
Steelehouse Media Group
21st century people grapple with the timeless laws of God's universe known as the Ten Commandments. This is the fifth commandment "Honor your father and mother so that you may live long."
Steelehouse 10 Commandments #8
Steelehouse Media Group
21st century people grapple with the timeless laws of God's universe known as the Ten Commandments. This is the eighth commandment "You shall not steal."
Reflecting On Worship
Brian Christopher Productions
A clever 3D animated mini movie that breaks down the act of worship into all of its modern day misconceptions in order to refocus on the true meaning of worship.
Descubra De Nuevo La Historia Navideña
Hyper Pixels Media
Redescubrir la Historia de la Natividad dejará a su congregación ansiosa de escuchar más sobre el milagro intemporal del nacimiento de nuestro Salvador. Este video funciona muy bien como introducción al sermón o como promoción para su próxima serie de sermones.
This fast-paced video works great as a sermon introduction or as promotion for your upcoming sermon series on family, marriage, and parenting. Build creativity into your message by using football metaphors to communicate God's truths about marriage and raising children.
Are you thirsty for more? How far would you go to have God pour over you and quench your thirst?
The cross has been an instrument of torture and death throughout history, yet it represents something greater than all of this...
Jesus bore all our sin and shame when on the cross, but beneath the pain and suffering lies a beautiful discovery that will lead you to restoration and healing.
So often we focus our attention on how much different we could be if only we kept our resolutions. This video reminds us that regardless of our ability to reach goals we set for ourselves, we are already created in God's image.
We as Christians often make unrealistic goals for ourselves, and we are frustrated and unhappy when we don't succeed. And often, it's much easier to make excuses and point the finger than it is to look inward at our own shortcomings. This humorous video, done in the style of a cheesy lawyer commercial...
Christmas can be about many things: cards, gifts, decorations, snow angels... but the most important focus should always be the birth of our Savior.
The Christmas season is filled with shopping, traffic, crowds and spending. Let us not forget the true message of Christmas, the perfect gift that God gave to us.
The Most Important Gift
Visual Reality
Not all Christmas gifts are created equal. In the midst of the frenzy and color of Christmas, often the most important gift of all is overlooked or forgotten until the Holiday season has already passed. This clip will remind your congregation of the importance of remembering the most important gift.