Este video del Día de los Caídos utiliza versículos de la Biblia e imágenes de guerra para ilustrar la necesidad de sacrificarse por amor a los demás y la necesidad de estar agradecido por aquellos que se han sacrificado por nosotros. Lo más importante es que nos recuerda que Dios es un Dios de restauración y consuelo.
This Memorial Day video uses Bible verses and war imagery to illustrate the need for self-sacrifice out of love for others, and the need to be grateful for those who have sacrificed for us. Most importantly, it reminds us that God is a God of restoration and comfort.
When the call of duty goes out the brave and strong rise to the challenge. With discipline, courage, and undaunted bravery. Today we say thank you. Today we remember your sacrifice!
A call to worship scripture video that can be used at the beginning of your worship service. This video is meant to encourage the congregation to sing out to the Lord corporately as the body of Christ
It’s hard to imagine where I’d be without you Dad. The truth is, I’ve learned so much by simply watching you. I’ve learned what it means to care about people and put others before myself. I’ve learned how to live a life of integrity and have the heart of a servant.
This video reminds us of what parenting is all about. It is a precious opportunity and a divine calling. It's about raising children for the glory of God. You don't need to be perfect to be a parent. Show them the way, pray for their soul, and give them your best.
Fathers we are grateful and thankful for all you do. “The just man walks in his integrity; his children are blessed after him.” Proverbs 20:7 “ Children are a gift from the Lord; they are a real blessing.” Psalm 127:3 We celebrate you today. Happy Father’s Day!
This Memorial Day we remember those who gave the full measure of devotion. Their gifts of liberty remain a part of us everyday. Use this powerful video in your church services to remember and honor the great sacrifice of these heroes.
As graduates take brave new steps into the next chapter, this prayer will encourage them to trust that God has plans for their lives and remind them to put their trust in Him and His Word.
This powerful video honors all kinds of workers on Labor Day: educators, farmers, coaches, medical workers, builders, artists, officers, and pastors. Your work matters to God!
Baptism video perfect to encourage people to get baptized. The old is gone, the new has come, baptism an act of obedience, a statement of faith, a declaration to others, a moment of spiritual breakthrough, it’s time to Take the Plunge.
God has blessed those who love Him in many ways. God gives us air in our lungs. God gives us beautiful sunsets. God gives us meaningful relationships. As Christians, we find our greatest blessing in Jesus Christ. Use this video as a sermon bumper or transitional element.