This fun, comedic Father’s Day church video promotes a fictional product, the “Dad Personal Assistant,” a smart home speaker device with all the character and compassion of a father. This hilarious and heartwarming mini-movie is the perfect addition to Father’s Day services!
Every dad has a collection of corny phrases and sayings that are sure to embarrass everyone in his family. It’s ok, Dad, we still love you. This is a great Father’s Day Mini-Movie for your Worship Experience.
You've probably never thought about how much pastors and bacon are alike. Well, Tommy and Eddie have, and the guys are here with a video to help you tell your pastors how much you appreciate them.
Leave it to a child to ask the most random, and sometimes the most poignant, questions. This Thanksgiving video will have people laughing and feeling thankful for Jesus.
Tommy and Eddie have a quick note for your church, and it's not your typical "fall back" reminder. This time, there are no excuses! Download includes high-res version for use during a church service, as well as two versions you can use on social media.
You never know what you'll get at a Christmas white elephant gift exchange. But what one man thinks is a hilarious joke turns out to be the most valuable gift of all.
This funny Christmas mini-movie depicts various people doing searches for a wide variety of Christmas questions with a twist: the search engine is just a guy in an office filled with files and documents. Both hilarious and heartwarming, this film is fantastic for Christmas services or any time during the holiday season!
This funny & unique Easter mini-movie presents a modern, office-style take on a conversation between Peter and Jesus regarding God’s plan for salvation.
This humorous Mother’s Day church video features a wide variety of statements that most moms would absolutely never say. It culminates with a heartfelt statement about how much we love moms exactly the way God made them.
This comedic church video introduced the Holiday Helper, and his many over-the-top Mother’s Day ideas. The question is, what is really most important on Mother’s Day?
Host Chris interviews a group of kids who have some pretty funny things to say about their moms. But one thing is for sure... These kids love their moms and know their moms love them! This Mother's Day, celebrate the moms in your church with this hilarious, yet heartfelt mini movie.
This funny Father’s Day mini-movie features several dads answering difficult parenting questions with hilarious responses. It closes with a heartfelt thank you to fathers for sharing all the wisdom God has given them. This short film is a fun way to recognize dads on Father’s Day!