In this funny yet poignant film, two brothers are taught the same life lessons by their father, but the results vary quite a bit. Nonetheless, their father's legacy lives on in them.
The Bible is more than just a book we open and read in church. It's the Word of God. A book we should open daily to guide us, activate our imagination, and bring us closer to God. This is a new comedy in the Connection series from Soul Refinery.
Youth pastors! Take the boring out of your camp rules meeting with this hilarious camp rules video from The Skit Guys! It makes discipline fun (well, for you, anyway!)
Mother's Day reminds us how selfless they can be in the face of all of our childhood messiness. Two friends discuss why a more appropriate title for the holiday may be "I'm Sorry Day."
A father and son brainstorm the perfect Mother's Day gift for mom. Starring Michael Hitchock ("Glee", "Best in Show"), Zane Huett ("Desperate Housewives") and Kate Flannery ("The Office").
It's so easy for us to look at Easter as an isolated event without thinking about how the ressurection is just the beginning of the story of our salvation. This light-hearted film uses humor to remind us all why the birth and resurrection of Jesus is relevant all year long.
It's become popular for people to pick and choose the components of their belief system. But the greatest gift ever offered to the world is, in Christ, free for all.
A visit from an unexpected guest turns sour when he puts his foot in his mouth... over and over and over again. This movie is great for a lesson on wisdom or taming the tongue!