Mini Movies, Sermon Illustrations & Worship Videos
In the tradition of the classic film noire genre, this short comedy features Sam Spode helping a desperate woman find purpose in her life. This video will be a fun intro to any sermon or study about purpose.
What are people really thinking as that offering plate goes down the pew? The thoughts of the people in this video provide a springboard into a sermon or discussion on giving and tithing.
A Brief History Of Christmas
AngelHouse Media
Having trouble reconnecting with the true meaning of Christmas? Well, no wonder, the cultural baggage we've packed on top of the holiday can totally obscure the fact that Jesus was born in the stench and darkness of a hard stone water trough, an outcast and reject to both Jews and Gentiles.
Use this humorous short as a lead-in when talking to your congregation about family life or about avoiding the trap of thinking everyone else has it all together.
Timing Is Everything
Highway Media
There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under heaven. Ecclesiastes 3 is brutally illustrated by these masters of the American pastime.
Meet The Sanders: Serving Heathens
Skit Guys Studios
Jesus said to "love your neighbor" and Jim and Joweena Sanders just want to follow in Jesus' footsteps. Their idea of servanthood may not be what Jesus had in mind. Can we say restraining order?
Have you ever experienced the tension between members of the music & tech teams at church? Tension might be an understatement!
Cartoon Conversation - Pant
Student Life
Dating can often be a challenge. Watch as this couple goes shopping at the mall. The results are explosive.
Cartoon Conversation - Out To Eat
Student Life
Deciding where to eat can get the best of any couple. Watch as this pair tries to make this decision....the results are explosive
Adam and Eve travel to America in a time machine to give us the answer to "whose fault was the fall of man: Adam or Eve's"?
When Pigs Attack
Central Creative
An interview with a pig who has had enough with the way Americans spend their money.
Remember when your kids wanted to be just like you? It's not enough to tell them they should stay on the right path. They're going to follow you. Where are you leading them?
Listen To Your Lady
An original music video reminding men to listen to their ladies. A video from Central Christian Church.
Catch the essence of truth in this powerful mini movie about the color of a balloon. The world throws many opinions around, but we can stand firm knowing that truth is true!
God adores His children. He gives each of us handpicked blessings and gifts, specially crafted just for us. So often, we focus on what we don't have, and we don't recognize God's goodness.