Mini Movies, Sermon Illustrations & Worship Videos
Cristo Nuestro Sanador
Church Fuel
Cristo es nuestro Sanador. Tú y yo estábamos enfermos y necesitábamos desesperadamente una curación. Estábamos muriendo por nuestro pecado y sin esperanza, caminando por un camino de destrucción que conducía directamente a la muerte. Pero por la gracia tenemos un sanador. Jesús, por su misericordia, nos salvó de nuestros caminos descarriados. A través de Su sangre, somos sanados y somos una nueva creación. Hemos recibido vida en abundancia, con nuestro Sanador.
Our hearts are broken for this world. The hatred is palpable, the division undeniable, and the pain runs deep. We desperately need more of God. We need His truth to be louder than the noise which surrounds us, His mercy to be stronger than the voices of oppression and His strength to overpower those who seek to do harm.
Produce Mini-Movie
Church Visuals
God produces within us the fruits of the Spirit. Use this Mini-Movie to inspire your congregation to live well.
No Greater Love
Hyper Pixels Media
This Memorial Day, let us pause to remember the love, honor, and sacrifice given for us by so many soldiers. These brave men and women left family and home and laid down their lives for our safety, freedom, and future. Use this powerful video in your church services to remember and honor their great sacrifice.
We Will Remember
Motion Worship
This Memorial Day sermon illustration video presents colorful scenes of military headstones and service members. It gives honor and thanks to those who gave all, thanking them for their sacrifice to provide us with freedom and the right to worship. We will remember their courage and hold them in our hearts forever.
Our American Heroes
Freebridge Media
Today we honor heroes. Brave men and women who gave their lives for our freedom. Today we give thanks to those called to defend our nation. Brave Americans, selfless soldiers, who gave everything for us. Today we remember, and will never forget, our American heroes.
This Mother’s Day, we want to help celebrate and honor moms for all the different roles they have played in our lives.
Mother's Day Prayer
Centerline New Media
A prayer of thanks to God for all our wonderful moms! Use this Mother’s Day mini-movie to ask God to bless the mothers in your congregation for everything they do. Happy Mother’s Day!
Dia De La Madre Gracias
Church Fuel
Este video del Día de la Madre es un agradecimiento y un homenaje a las mamás y figuras maternas que nos han cuidado tan bien. Por su sacrificio y arduo trabajo, su sabiduría, su guía, su aliento, su consuelo, sus oraciones, su gozo y por amarnos tan bien.
Mother's Day Thank You
Church Fuel
This Mother’s Day video is a thank you and tribute to moms and mother figures who have cared for us so well. For their sacrifice and hard work, their wisdom, their guidance, their encouragement, their comfort, their prayers, their joy, and for loving us so well.
He Is Worthy Of Our Worship
Church Visuals
Jesus is supreme over all things. He is worthy of our worship.
Jesus wants us to live a full life. That life is only found in Him.
An energetic, engaging opener to welcome your congregation to in-person or online services!
Hechos Para Maravillarse
Church Fuel
Fuimos hechos para maravillarnos. Toda la belleza de la tierra fue creada por Dios para darle gloria. Revela Su poder a través de Su creación. Los cielos declaran su gloria. Tómese el tiempo para maravillarse de las obras del SEÑOR.
We were made to marvel. All the beauty on earth was created by God, to bring Him glory. He reveals His power through His creation. The heavens declare His glory. Take time to marvel at the works of the LORD.