On the fourth Sunday of Lent, use this video to remind your congregation that while we may feel alone or isolated or shut out at times in life, we worship the God who gathers and heals, finding the lost and embracing the lonely.
This video for the third Sunday of Lent offers a prayer to God. As we look and listen for Him in the world around us, other voices fight for our attention. This prayer asks for God to keep us away from the voices that would keep us away from Him.
On the second Sunday of Lent, this video can encourage your congregation. Although our lives often feel like a mixed up jigsaw puzzle, God is helping us piece it together. It’s a beautiful reminder that God can make beauty from chaos.
On this first Sunday of Lent, use this video to help your congregation focus on God as the life preserver. It’s a powerful reminder that God is faithful, and when we feel like we’re drowning, He will help us.
As we usher in this season of Lent, this Ash Wednesday video helps turn our focus toward our own need for forgiveness. This is a call to God, acknowledging that He is all we need.
¿De qué formas se le puede llamar a dar más? ¿Debería dedicar más tiempo, talentos, dinero, regalos, pasatiempos, viajes o su corazón? Este video ayuda a la gente a explorar esa pregunta y a examinar sus propios corazones para ver cómo deberían dar.
In which ways is God calling you to give more? Should you be giving more of your time, talents, money, gifts, hobbies, traveling, or even your heart? This video helps viewers explore that question, and to examine their own hearts to see how they should be giving.
What if we could love the way Jesus did? What if the way we love could make a difference in the world around us? What if that love looked at everyone the way God does? A love which doesn’t see the past but is consumed by a desire to see people come to know Jesus. A love which is patient and kind.
All of life comes from the Creator and is so very good and beautiful and sacred; waiting with all of Creation for our redemption to be complete. Share this video with your church to celebrate the Sanctity of Life or to accompany your message on the beauty of God's creation!
La vida es un viaje y necesitamos una gui?a. Necesitamos la Palabra de Dios para iluminar nuestros caminos. Este video nos recuerda el poder de la Palabra de Dios y co?mo debemos seguir Su Palabra para vivir la vida que estamos llamados a vivir.
Life is a journey, and we need a Guide. We need the Word of God to light our paths. This video reminds us of the power of God’s Word, and how we need to follow His Word to live the lives we are called to live.
The calling of Christ-followers to live in unity is foremost in the mind of
Jesus. There’s a world at stake when we elevate Him above our disagreements