In this Mini-Movie, the focus is on a heartfelt prayer to God, expressing a desire to meet with Him and be filled with His Spirit and transforming love.
Highlighting some of the most powerful and transformative accounts in the Bible, this dynamic Mini Movie brings to life the awe-inspiring narratives that showcase God's might and faithfulness.
At a time when division and difference seem to define us, this
video serves as a reminder that we’re called to display and share
love in our communities and relationships. Use this as a worship
intro or sermon bumper to encourage your church to be the hands
and feet of Jesus in our world. Based on John 13:35 and featuring
“They’ll Know We Are Christians By Our Love.”
Fuimos hechos para maravillarnos. Toda la belleza de la tierra fue creada por Dios para darle gloria. Revela Su poder a través de Su creación. Los cielos declaran su gloria. Tómese el tiempo para maravillarse de las obras del SEÑOR.
We were made to marvel. All the beauty on earth was created by God, to bring Him glory. He reveals His power through His creation. The heavens declare His glory. Take time to marvel at the works of the LORD.
You are our refuge and strength; our help in times of trouble. You are exalted among the nations. You are exalted in the earth. Open your worship service with this mini-movie based on Psalm 46.
Verdadera y nosotros somos los pámpanos. No podemos hacer nada sin Él. La felicidad y el verdadero gozo que no depende de las circunstancias vienen de Jesús.